Sunday, January 7, 2024

New Dream Experiment: You can be a participant January 14th/15th


This week, I am announcing a new dream experiment. You only need one night of your time and to send in your dream the next day. Have you ever wondered if you can connect to a place, visit, and observe what is there? Do you have observation dreams? Now is your chance. I am opening this up to everyone who wants to participate.


What do you have to do? On Sunday, January 14th, you need to focus on Anna Mae, who will be sitting with some items thoughtfully placed. Think of her connecting you to the objects. You need to tell me what you see in the dream. There could be a literal moment where you see a lemon, and that is what is there. You may also dream of the color yellow in some way. Maybe you see the word lemon or a sunset. I will consider all of these as degrees of connecting.


As you go to bed on Sunday night, focus on Anna Mae, who is known to cause dreams in those who own her. I am extending this out to everyone who wants to participate. If this scares you, don't do it. You can focus on the color gold and tell me what you see.

 If you don't dream at all. Take some time to meditate in the morning and try connecting with Anna Mae and then let me know what you envisioned. Please be sure to let me know if it was a dream, vision or psychic reading. 

I will have a camera set up to see if I catch any Shadows in the room as part of the experiment. 

I will reveal what is on the shelf on the next Awakening on 1/21.



 Send your dreams or findings to or Facebook

Good Luck. 




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