Saturday, May 13, 2023

AI Dream Interpretations My Experiment

A friend of mine Elvis shared a dream and analysis done by an AI interpretation website. I thought it was close to my analysis but could tell it lacked human understanding. Lately, I have seen posts about how the AI world will take over humanity, our jobs, etc. I decided to test three of my dreams and see how the AI did compare to my interpretation. I tested out three of my dreams from this week. I think the results are very interesting. Some spot on others not so much. I do think overall this is a great supplemental tool to interpret your dreams. It does lack an important element of spirituality. Overall I think if you want a general idea it may be helpful, but I will stick to working it out myself for a deeper more personal meaning. 


A few reasons I don’t like AI dream interpretations 

    If we are putting our dreams into this system The AI will learn our true intentions, weaknesses, fears, etc and it could be used against us at some point 

    The interpretations are not always accurate.In my experiment I thought it is was two of three dreams with an accurate interpretation. 

    The AI interpretations lack spiritual aspects and we are spiritual beings and I feel it is an important part of dream interpretations.

    No human interaction. We are natural storytellers and need to share with others our feelings that can be expressed and understood. 


You can watch the podcast for more pictures and content. I asked AI for a picture of what it is and how it perceives man! 




 First I will share the dream, then my interpretation and last the AI interpretation. I did this with three dreams.


The Dream #1

I was pushing a shopping cart (searching for options) in a small dark grocery store (emotional need). There was a toddler (new sense of self) in the basket. She was silent. The isles were crowded and no one would let me through. I felt judged as I apologized and said there was no room for me to get through. At some point, the isles were larger and I was pushing the cart fast so the toddler could enjoy it. Then we got to a corner of the store it had yellow (intellect, creativity, happiness) lighting and a brown pit bull (fear and insecurity) came out as the toddler (new sense of self) got out of the cart (option). I said great as soon as she gets out you appear. I took a bath towel (emotions)to smack it but it attacked the towel (emotions) and bit the toddler s feet (your foundation, stability, and sense of understanding). I felt it on my feet. I screamed for help and then I was in the parking lot (need to slow down) and people were getting out of their cars (method of taking life paths) to help me. Then I saw a rabbit (guide to steer you toward the right direction) in the grass (natural protection) and everyone was worried then he died and I screamed and cried and others did too. 


 My Interpretation 

As I look for options for my emotional needs and a new sense of self, I sometimes feel unheard and judged. I want to enter a space I think there is no room for me. When I let go and enjoy myself I find a place that allows me to be creative and happy but my fear and insecurities undermine my new ventures. I use my emotions to fight off these insecurities but this challenges my stability and sense of understanding. I need to slow down and accept help from others who take the time from their path, this is a sign of transformation and the end of a cycle.


Cards I pulled 

Nine of Wands: reflect upon choices

Ten of pentacles reversed: Insecurities can stand in the way of successful unions. 


 AI interpretation

 This dream may represent a sense of feeling overwhelmed and judged in a situation where you are responsible for the care and well-being of another person, possibly a child. The crowded grocery store and difficulty navigating through the aisles may indicate feeling burdened with the responsibility of caring for this toddler. The appearance of the pit bull may represent a fear or anxiety about unexpected danger or harm coming to the toddler, and feelings of inadequacy in being able to protect them. The attack on the child may represent a perceived failure in your role as caregiver. The appearance of the rabbit and its subsequent death may represent a feeling of loss or helplessness, possibly related to the situation with the toddler. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of concerns or fears you have within a caregiving role or situation. It may be important to address these feelings and seek support from others if necessary.


I think the main problem was assuming the toddler was an actual toddler or person I was caring for.


Dream #2


 I was with a woman in a grocery store. She showed me how there were keys on top of each shelf and they open the cases to get food. We found one case that had a key in a power strip and the case was unlocked and there was one yogurt the rest was gone. 


My Interpretation 

The woman is an aspect of myself showing me I have opportunities (keys) and should not neglect them or Put things on hold (one yogurt left in an unlocked case is a current opportunity). If I look I can find answers to my questions. I have access to increasing skills and gaining clarity.


Cards I pulled


 Lord of Cups is a guardian of the wisdom of the inner ways. look beyond illusion seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection. He regenerates the lost dream and hope. 

Seven of wands opportunities are attainable with service to others 


 AI interpretation

 Dreams about grocery stores and food generally symbolize the need for nourishment, both physically and emotionally. In this dream, the woman you were with may represent a part of yourself that is trying to guide you toward a source of fulfillment. The keys on top of each shelf may suggest that there are opportunities for you to access such sources, but you may need to put in some effort or search for them. The fact that the case with the key in the power strip was unlocked could symbolize that these opportunities may be more accessible to you than you realize. The fact that there was only one yogurt left in the unlocked case may symbolize that there is a limited amount of resources or opportunities available to you. This may mean you need to act fast and take advantage of them before they are gone. Overall, this dream may suggest that you need to pay more attention to the opportunities around you and take action to fulfill your needs.


 Dream #3 

I was in a large crowded movie theater (emotions, social or public life) it was (subconscious) dark. I was sitting (indecision wasting time) in the back (allowing others to take charge). An important man (ambition) came up to talk to me. Then I was alone in a seat closer to the middle of the theater. and the people that were left were leaving in groups. I don’t remember what he said it was some sort of encouragement. 


My Analysis Sitting with indecision and wasting time could be allowing others to take charge or leave me behind. My subconscious self reminds me I am moving forward. Some growth needs to happen within. 


Card I pulled

 Spirit of cups she seeks to banish her ignorance by continuing to learn and grow. 


 AI Interpretation

  The dream may represent feelings of being alone or disconnected from othersin a crowded environment. The movie theater is a symbol of the subconscious mind where thoughts and emotions are projected onto a screen. The important man may represent the authority or inner wisdom within you. His encouragement may symbolize a positive message or insight that your subconscious is trying to communicate to you. The fact that you are in the back of the theater may suggest a desire to remain hidden or unnoticed, while the departing crowds could signify your frustration with feeling left out or left behind. Overall, this dream may be urging you to pay attention to your inner voice and to trust your judgments, rather than seeking validation or acceptance from others.



AI interpreter 

Images created by AI on the Beauty Plus app pro

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