Showing posts with label Dream dictionary. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream dictionary. Show all posts

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Mystery of the Old House

 Dream Journal: My Dream

I found myself standing in the eerie silence of a dark craftsman house, the air heavy with mystery. The living room revealed itself as a showcase of meticulous trim work – a rich brown in one room and a pristine white in another. It was a house with secrets, and I was about to uncover some of them.

A mysterious voice broke the silence, as a man materialized before me. "Welcome," he said, his tone as enigmatic as the surroundings. "This is the house."

My curiosity piqued, I followed the man as he led me through the house. He spoke in hushed tones, sharing a secret that sent shivers down my spine. "He hid his guns under the trim," he whispered, lifting a piece to reveal a concealed compartment. The revelation painted a different picture of the seemingly ordinary home.

As we continued our tour, the man mentioned the kitchen, a place apparently ravaged by destruction, forcing it to be gutted and redone. The story unfolded like a cryptic narrative, each detail adding to the mysterious atmosphere.

In the midst of the revelation, I couldn't help but share a personal experience. "I painted the fireplace hearth brown," I confessed. "But a strange turquoise color bled through."

The man's gaze intensified, as if he knew more than he let on. "Why were you crying while you painted?" he asked, his voice echoing through the dimly lit rooms.

The question caught me off guard. It was as if the house itself demanded an explanation. "I don't know," I admitted, a chill running down my spine.

The mysterious voice lingered in the air, leaving me with more questions than answers. In that moment, the house seemed to hold its breath, as if it were alive with untold stories. The enigma of the house remained, inviting me to unravel its secrets and confront the inexplicable connection between the tears, the paint, and the concealed mysteries within the trim.


This story was created by one of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Everything Dreams 2024



Explore the fascinating and mysterious world of dreams with my latest updates and a grand relaunch of my blog. Dive into captivating dream stories designed to provoke thought and provide practical insights for you the reader.

 Immerse yourself in a collection of articles exploring various aspects of dreams, from the symbolism that arises in your nightly adventures to the impact on your health. Uncover the secrets of nightmares and more, as we dive into the realms of the subconscious mind. 

The Awakening awaits you! Join me live for a unique opportunity to understand your dreams on a deeper level. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery as we decode the hidden messages within your dreams together.

 Seeking quick insights? I'm increasing my dream symbol shorts to offer bite-sized dream interpretations and exploring dream symbols to provide you with a better understanding of your inner world. 

 Don't miss out on the chance to unlock the mysteries of the dream world in 2024. Subscribe now for a year filled with thought-provoking content, live sessions, and valuable insights.

 To find everything dreams:


Video version  



Friday, December 15, 2023

Dream Symbol Cooking: What does it mean if you are cooking in your dream?



Have you found yourself in a strange kitchen cooking in your dream? Did you wake up and think what the hell does that mean? Am I hungry or feeling creative? Maybe, I dug deep into one of my own dreams and found I was manifesting.

My dream, I was in a large town home style apartment. It was modern with stairs in the front which opened up to a living area. I walked into a large kitchen with an oven built into the cabinetry and I opened the door to check on my ribs I was cooking.

Short dream but for me the overall meaning is about protecting myself while creating in new spaces. I felt confident in the dream and it was something I was taking care of. The modern apartment was telling me this was a current situation but also the ribs were not done yet. This could mean staying focused, intentional, on track, consistent, and patient.  

I posted a video on YouTube with a little more meaning. I believe cooking is manifesting and it could be good or bad. Ask yourself what are you cooking? How do you feel? Where are you at? Who is with you?

This may help you understand your own dream about cooking.

What do you cook in your dream kitchen?



Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Dreams with

Chat history

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new website, where you can submit and pay for dream interpretations, all in one convenient location. I am dedicated to helping you gain valuable insights into the hidden meanings and messages behind your dreams. Whether you have recurring dreams, vivid nightmares, or simply wish to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, is here to guide you on this fascinating journey.

Explore the Wonders of Dream Interpretation

Dreams have long captivated humanity, inspiring wonder, curiosity, and contemplation. is committed to understanding this ancient art and making the meanings  accessible to everyone. . A Seamless Experience

My newly launched website offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to submit and pay for dream interpretations all in one place. I understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality when it comes to personal dreams, and rest assured, your information will not be shared unless otherwise agreed to.

Here's how our process works:

  1. Submit Your Dream: Share the details of your dream through our easy-to-use submission form. Be as descriptive as possible, including any emotions, locations, people, or symbols that stood out to you. The more information you provide, the more accurate and insightful your interpretation will be.

  2. Payment: Enjoy the convenience of paying for your interpretation directly on our secure platform. We offer transparent pricing options, ensuring you are aware of the costs upfront.

  3. Receive Your Interpretation: Once your payment is confirmed, I will work on your dream analysis.  Within 48 hours, you will receive a comprehensive interpretation that explores the symbolism, themes, and potential insights associated with your dream.

Why Choose

  1. Personalized Interpretations: I recognize that dreams are deeply personal and unique to each individual. You can expect a personalized interpretation that resonates with your life experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

  2. Convenience and Accessibility: eliminates the need for multiple platforms or in-person appointments. Our user-friendly website allows you to navigate seamlessly through the entire process, from dream submission to receiving your interpretation. Interpretations are delivered electronically, ensuring you can access them at your convenience.

Embark on Your Dream Journey Today!

Don't let your dreams remain a mystery. Visit today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. I am eager to guide you through the labyrinth of your dreams, offering profound insights that can enrich your waking life. Prepare to unlock the doors of perception and delve into the profound wisdom that lies within your dreams. Start exploring today and awaken the power of your subconscious mind with


Saturday, May 13, 2023

AI Dream Interpretations My Experiment

A friend of mine Elvis shared a dream and analysis done by an AI interpretation website. I thought it was close to my analysis but could tell it lacked human understanding. Lately, I have seen posts about how the AI world will take over humanity, our jobs, etc. I decided to test three of my dreams and see how the AI did compare to my interpretation. I tested out three of my dreams from this week. I think the results are very interesting. Some spot on others not so much. I do think overall this is a great supplemental tool to interpret your dreams. It does lack an important element of spirituality. Overall I think if you want a general idea it may be helpful, but I will stick to working it out myself for a deeper more personal meaning. 


A few reasons I don’t like AI dream interpretations 

    If we are putting our dreams into this system The AI will learn our true intentions, weaknesses, fears, etc and it could be used against us at some point 

    The interpretations are not always accurate.In my experiment I thought it is was two of three dreams with an accurate interpretation. 

    The AI interpretations lack spiritual aspects and we are spiritual beings and I feel it is an important part of dream interpretations.

    No human interaction. We are natural storytellers and need to share with others our feelings that can be expressed and understood. 


You can watch the podcast for more pictures and content. I asked AI for a picture of what it is and how it perceives man! 




 First I will share the dream, then my interpretation and last the AI interpretation. I did this with three dreams.


The Dream #1

I was pushing a shopping cart (searching for options) in a small dark grocery store (emotional need). There was a toddler (new sense of self) in the basket. She was silent. The isles were crowded and no one would let me through. I felt judged as I apologized and said there was no room for me to get through. At some point, the isles were larger and I was pushing the cart fast so the toddler could enjoy it. Then we got to a corner of the store it had yellow (intellect, creativity, happiness) lighting and a brown pit bull (fear and insecurity) came out as the toddler (new sense of self) got out of the cart (option). I said great as soon as she gets out you appear. I took a bath towel (emotions)to smack it but it attacked the towel (emotions) and bit the toddler s feet (your foundation, stability, and sense of understanding). I felt it on my feet. I screamed for help and then I was in the parking lot (need to slow down) and people were getting out of their cars (method of taking life paths) to help me. Then I saw a rabbit (guide to steer you toward the right direction) in the grass (natural protection) and everyone was worried then he died and I screamed and cried and others did too. 


 My Interpretation 

As I look for options for my emotional needs and a new sense of self, I sometimes feel unheard and judged. I want to enter a space I think there is no room for me. When I let go and enjoy myself I find a place that allows me to be creative and happy but my fear and insecurities undermine my new ventures. I use my emotions to fight off these insecurities but this challenges my stability and sense of understanding. I need to slow down and accept help from others who take the time from their path, this is a sign of transformation and the end of a cycle.


Cards I pulled 

Nine of Wands: reflect upon choices

Ten of pentacles reversed: Insecurities can stand in the way of successful unions. 


 AI interpretation

 This dream may represent a sense of feeling overwhelmed and judged in a situation where you are responsible for the care and well-being of another person, possibly a child. The crowded grocery store and difficulty navigating through the aisles may indicate feeling burdened with the responsibility of caring for this toddler. The appearance of the pit bull may represent a fear or anxiety about unexpected danger or harm coming to the toddler, and feelings of inadequacy in being able to protect them. The attack on the child may represent a perceived failure in your role as caregiver. The appearance of the rabbit and its subsequent death may represent a feeling of loss or helplessness, possibly related to the situation with the toddler. Overall, this dream may be a reflection of concerns or fears you have within a caregiving role or situation. It may be important to address these feelings and seek support from others if necessary.


I think the main problem was assuming the toddler was an actual toddler or person I was caring for.


Dream #2


 I was with a woman in a grocery store. She showed me how there were keys on top of each shelf and they open the cases to get food. We found one case that had a key in a power strip and the case was unlocked and there was one yogurt the rest was gone. 


My Interpretation 

The woman is an aspect of myself showing me I have opportunities (keys) and should not neglect them or Put things on hold (one yogurt left in an unlocked case is a current opportunity). If I look I can find answers to my questions. I have access to increasing skills and gaining clarity.


Cards I pulled


 Lord of Cups is a guardian of the wisdom of the inner ways. look beyond illusion seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection. He regenerates the lost dream and hope. 

Seven of wands opportunities are attainable with service to others 


 AI interpretation

 Dreams about grocery stores and food generally symbolize the need for nourishment, both physically and emotionally. In this dream, the woman you were with may represent a part of yourself that is trying to guide you toward a source of fulfillment. The keys on top of each shelf may suggest that there are opportunities for you to access such sources, but you may need to put in some effort or search for them. The fact that the case with the key in the power strip was unlocked could symbolize that these opportunities may be more accessible to you than you realize. The fact that there was only one yogurt left in the unlocked case may symbolize that there is a limited amount of resources or opportunities available to you. This may mean you need to act fast and take advantage of them before they are gone. Overall, this dream may suggest that you need to pay more attention to the opportunities around you and take action to fulfill your needs.


 Dream #3 

I was in a large crowded movie theater (emotions, social or public life) it was (subconscious) dark. I was sitting (indecision wasting time) in the back (allowing others to take charge). An important man (ambition) came up to talk to me. Then I was alone in a seat closer to the middle of the theater. and the people that were left were leaving in groups. I don’t remember what he said it was some sort of encouragement. 


My Analysis Sitting with indecision and wasting time could be allowing others to take charge or leave me behind. My subconscious self reminds me I am moving forward. Some growth needs to happen within. 


Card I pulled

 Spirit of cups she seeks to banish her ignorance by continuing to learn and grow. 


 AI Interpretation

  The dream may represent feelings of being alone or disconnected from othersin a crowded environment. The movie theater is a symbol of the subconscious mind where thoughts and emotions are projected onto a screen. The important man may represent the authority or inner wisdom within you. His encouragement may symbolize a positive message or insight that your subconscious is trying to communicate to you. The fact that you are in the back of the theater may suggest a desire to remain hidden or unnoticed, while the departing crowds could signify your frustration with feeling left out or left behind. Overall, this dream may be urging you to pay attention to your inner voice and to trust your judgments, rather than seeking validation or acceptance from others.



AI interpreter 

Images created by AI on the Beauty Plus app pro

Saturday, April 8, 2023

Our Nightmares with Lily The Haunted Doll, is it paranormal

 This week Sam of  @samsprettyparanormal  and I share our dreams of a haunted doll named Lily after visiting Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum. Did we have similar encounters? What does it mean? Watch to find out. 

 If you have seen this doll please post below if you had any dreams or nightmare after your encounter.

Do you think we just had nightmares or was it a paranormal encounter? 

Dream Analysis 

Haunted doll something from your childhood is coming to the surface. Sam was facing her entity (doll) in her dream. I was not allowing it in. 

Card pull for the doll in the video.


You can find Sam at 

 The Haunted Museum 

My Paranormal Blog

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Stealing baby dream. What does it mean if someone steals your baby? Let's find out.

The Dream sent in
 I dreamed that I was this woman or girl, it was me, but it wasn't me, if that makes sense. I was in a red hatchback-like vehicle, and I had a baby in the back, like a newborn, and he was asleep. I was looking through my phone, but I noticed I was sitting in front of this HUGE hotel and saw the name, Ripken. IDK if that is the hotel name or what. But I was in Australia. There was no indication I was there, but I just knew it. I got out of the car to help my mother unload some suitcases from her van, I looked down and saw my hair was SUPER long down to my butt, and I had a blue flower blouse on with a cardigan sweater. My hair was curly, though, and I could see my hair blowing in the wind. A big truck went by my view where I couldn't see my car anymore, and when it was going by, someone yelled at me and said They have your car!!! I quickly realized that someone had stolen my car with my baby in it. I ran as hard as I could to catch them but lost them.

All I could do was scream, cry, and wonder what would happen to my baby. I felt a sense of danger in my stomach that something terrible would happen.

The Interpretation

This dream is about the pursuit of your passion. You want to move forward; you have an idea but are still determining what you can handle. You want to accept help and look for ways to move forward. You are transitioning and need to move away from your old habits and the old way of thinking. However, your thoughts or ideas are preventing you from moving forward. Perhaps you are doing too much thinking and not taking any action. Your dream suggests that you are overworked. You are taking on too many tasks and responsibilities. 

 The card I pulled was Spirit of Wands: understanding the essence of our path. The easy route will not lead you to your goal. The card also speaks of a happy, loving wife and mother who gives freely and embraces sacrifice for the good of others. Connect to your inner knowing on what you need to let go of, how you want to be perceived, and working on new projects.


 Red Hatchback 

Your passion for your path moving forward held back by needing to be practical. 

Long Hair

Can suggest that your thoughts or ideas prevent you from moving forward, too much thinking and not taking any action. (I think with a project idea) The baby.

I did find a hotel in Germany called the Ripken

Next week I have a treat for you! I sat down with   Sam Hundley and we discussed our dreams about a haunted doll, how it impacted us then, and how we feel about it now. You can listen on Spotify or watch on YouTube



Saturday, March 25, 2023

A pregnancy dream

      Grab your coffee and listen to my latest HauntedHour Podcast on Spotify and YouTube. I sit down with Elvis of Life of Elvis Podcast and we talk about Lucid dreaming. 

    This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .


 I was on my period but looked down, and I was pregnant, like pregnant pregnant…and I was like, wait, how am I bleeding so much and this pregnant, and I spotted for about 5-6 days. I kept pulling short around my pregnant belly I was showing..almost like I was 5-6 months


My analysis

The dream is about how something grows (project, idea) and develops, but you see, it is causing unpleasant situations that you cannot ignore. You are trying to protect the project or growth with your public self and how you are perceived. You are in denial about something. You try to ignore things, but it is right before you. 


Card Four of Swords reversed = After dealing with this situation; the transition quickly opens to transformation and harmony. Compassionate friends help facilitate healing. 

. “Pregnancy dreams are typically connected to something else in your life that is growing and developing. 

Pregnancy can be new creations or ideas. 

 Dreaming of your clothes symbolizes your public self and how you are perceived.

 Dreaming that you did not realize you were pregnant implies that you are in denial about something. 





Saturday, March 18, 2023

Dreams of Sex and Wealth

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed . 

The Dream

 Best way to describe it was an Eyes Wide Shut story line, but instead of seeking them out, someone from the circle sought me out. She was a Hollywood celeb who took a liking to me, she was as a blond haired as they came, was blind folded till they brought me into the circle, told me I was chosen to be a part of their group. I’m like why me? I’m no one. They wouldn’t answer, the girl showed me around the place. It was a massive mansion I was in, was completely dark enough only to see the people. They had me take part in sexual rituals, which is the first for me, being I never have those kind of dreams. Months went by in the dream, I saw I lost a shit ton of weight, and was a totally different person who became and guy in power with wealth and got to keep his celebrity girl who brought me into the circle in the first place. I couldn’t get a good look at her face though as she had a cat like mask on her face.

My Interpretation
This dream is your subconscious, asking you to look at aspects of yourself that may hold you back. The sex act parallels that you wish to express hidden things. For example, the goal may be to feel more confident. The celebrity who is the intuitive part of you wears a mask so you know not to deceive yourself and to trust your intuition. It's a sign that you're growing and breaking free from your old thinking. 

*Analyzing the other characters in the dream would give some insight into parts of yourself you need to work on or with. For example, what were the sexual rituals? Something about the people or acts will reveal what needs to be discovered.
 The card
 (Spirit of swords) The Masquerader for all the knowledge in many areas; he collects it without using it. Instead, he hides behind excuses, his mask questioning himself. 


A little more about your symbols
Someone seeking you instead of you seeking them is a lack of ambition.
The celebrity in this dream is showing you what stands in the way.
The mansion is self, and you are discovering unknown hidden aspects of self.
 The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. For example, since it was a group, maybe you need to be more social in your waking life.
 To dream that you are rich signifies pride and self-confidence.
Cat intuition independence femininity.
To see someone wearing a mask in your dream denotes that you possibly are struggling against deceit, falsehood, or jealousy.  



Saturday, March 4, 2023

Repetitive dream of a childhood home



 The Dream

I fall asleep and "wake up" in my childhood home I remember it was from about mid-elementary school until I move out. It's always empty, and sunny.  I do the same thing every time. I take the same route walking around the house, looking in each room, then going outside and walking the same path around the yard. I feel that I focus on or spend more time in specific areas such as the railing by the stairs, the kitchen, the living room (that's the first room I am in when I "wake up"), the storage room, and various areas in the yard like the shed and under a big tree next to the house. 

However, this time was different and it's never happened before. This time it was night and when I "woke up" I was in the living room as I always am but this time it was furnished like I remember it being as a toddler up until it changed in the mid-'90s, to how it looks in the above dream, (wooden couch with the ugly dark yellow and browning floral patterns, ugly dark carpet, coffee table, and the wooden end tables that matched the couch and chair). I remember hiding behind the couch from the opposite end of the living room from where I always start. I peeked around the couch to see my mom on her back, bound and being sort of skinned by my dad. Super vivid, dark blue/black rope, that bound her in a pattern that wrapped neatly around her body from shoulders to legs, then looped up the middle and her mouth was gagged. He was sort of skinning her between the rope where her skin was exposed. It wasn't bloody or anything, just a lot of exposed muscle tissue from head to toe. They also looked just like I remember them when I was that age.

Anyway, I turned to the side and my older sister was there. before I had always been alone in the dream. The dream was silent the whole time. No noises at all. We looked at each other and then back at the scene in the living room. Then we snuck out the front door, which we never used and isn't the one I would always "wake up" at. We hid under the outside stairs, which also were different as they had always been cemented in my life growing up there and always were in my other dream. But when the house sold the new owners took them out and replaced them with a wooden deck. So we hid underneath them for a bit and then ran and hid under an old antique covered wagon, one that would have been used during the times of like the Oregon Trail. Only this wagon was is in my grandmothers front yard in Illinois in real life up until I was in Highschool because they moved and couldn't take it (as far as I can remeber I have never visited this home in my dreams even though it was one of my favorite places ever). So we hid under that for a little while then snuck back to the house and into the living room, only now my mom was on the couch and looked like nothing had ever happened. I can't recall if she was dressed or not, but she looked just fine. I think my dad was standing next to the couch. They both smiled and we walked over to them before I woke up in real life. 
My Interpretation 
Something in your waking life has triggered  aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. The dream is pointing out issues you are not consciously facing. To see a rope in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others or ways of thinking.  It also represents restriction which is confirmed by the gag in the mouth. Blue and black can be emotions and subconscious. Being skinned exposing something by taking away the layers of protection. Stairs are change and transformation which is confirmed by the fact the stairs in the dream change too. 
So the dream is most likely about you not them. Each person is a symbol a reflection of you. Something you need to work through about yourself that was developed during that time. Your subconscious wants you to understand why you approach a current situation a certain way. It is due to something you learned in your development during that time in the house. The end after all the peeling away layers is happiness. 

Card Lord of Cups: Urges the seeker to see beyond illusion to seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection.

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Saturday, February 25, 2023

A Spirit Visitation Six Spirits One Message



The Dream

A woman with red curly hair showed me she was missing her left breast and had liquid coming from her chest. I knew she had died of an infection. A second woman, who was brunette and dressed in a 1940s mid-calf black skirt, told me she was attacked by a man and left under something outside a building. I then turned and was in the cemetery, and four spirits were floating over their graves; before I could do anything, I woke up!

The Interpretation

 The dream is about dependency and imbalance. The need for more spontaneity and vitality in life. It is time to make changes from negative thoughts and ideas that are internalized. The need for confidence which has become infected with negativity. The assertive aspect of self points out not to be left out of your own sense of self and lose motivation. 

2 spirits that were showing me something about their deaths.  

Number 2 is a symbol of balance, prosperity, teamwork, peace and harmony. 2 also has positive vibrational energy connected to service and openness, but at its core, number 2 represents partnerships

The number 4 came up in the dream with the four spirits floating over their graves.

Angel Number 4 encourages you to make the most of situations that will help you fulfill your life’s purpose and to be aware of how your thoughts and actions can influence your spiritual journey. This could mean taking steps toward your goals or making changes that improve your chances of succeeding in life. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts and need someone else (or something else) to give us a gentle nudge out of our comfort zone.

The meaning of this angelic numeral can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its main objective is to encourage self-reflection and inspire positive changes in your life journey. In addition, the angelic beings are reminding us all that nothing in this world is permanent—not even our emotions or desires. Everything changes over time as we travel through different phases of our lives. 

Cards pulled from The Mystical Dream Deck

The Innocent = Fool.  Have balance and discernment. Know the truth before making decisions. perception can seduce one into falsehoods and onto dangerous paths.  

The Master of Secrets = The Magician. Help, true plan or path. Everything is in place you just need to chose to be ready

Ten of Wands = change is ahead the goal is now in view. 

To read about my cemetery trip which may have influenced my dream symbols. Go to my other blog 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Dream Interpretation: Talking to Ghosts in your dream

*Listen to the podcast on YouTube or Anchor this week for more about this dream and this weeks dream symbol Elephants 


The dream


 I remember we were driving down Riverside Drive which is a road here where I live and we’re driving by Hiram walkers, which is famous for their Canadian whiskey, so we saw all these people standing around and then we go hey, let’s go see what’s going on so we get out of the car we walked across and then the next day I know we’re walking down this alley which I know there is no alley to this area specially to this particular building, but we are walking down this alley, and I saw all these crowds of people there wearing TAPS T-shirts which is the ghost hunters team and then we saw lights and cameras and we watch people just watching this investigation happening so I end up walking around the building and I found this old section covered area with old bricks in a cast iron gate so I walked to the gate and I could see this apparition of this little girl standing there and I’m talking to her and she’s answering me and I can make out all of her details but her eyes I couldn’t see her eyes. She had blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white tights underneath but I couldn’t see her feet so those were the only two features I couldn’t see but yet she had a German Shepherd dog that was with her so I was asking her name and she told me her name was Jules and I said Jules, would you like to be on my show so we left because I had to go find my computer. I saw an old friend across the street and I asked him to give me a ride so I can get my computer we get to. I get my computer and I open it up and I start the show and I’m asking if any of my media friends out there can see who is with me. I wasn’t getting any answers so I was getting frustrated so we went back to where she where I found her, but when we returned, she disappeared and I started to look for the next thing I know I am walking down a very dark dimly lit tunnel and I’m calling out her name and I’m not finding her so I’m checking all the doors down this hallway when I get to a door that opens I go inside and that’s when I wake up.


The Interpretation

This dream may be about searching for a way to accomplish a goal. You may feel you are missing out on an opportunity and feel you hit a dead end. Brick wall is your thoughts and ideas. The Iron gate is your will power. Ghost girl (see below) The computer is you searching for information. Asking for a ride vs driving yourself is relying on others. The end in the tunnel is you exploring deeper into your subconscious and opening new awareness. The end is good because you can think about this dream and ask your subconscious for answers. I believe it will have the answers you are looking for. Blue represents wisdom and the subconscious mind. Think of the girl as your subconscious the dog shows it is a safe space. So you don't have to be protective.


Card I pulled


Spirit of Cups = Water of the Unconscious

Dreamer is devoted to the path of learning 


Thank you Dale for sending in your dream. 

You can find Dale on The Paranormal Voice


This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Dream: A guy named Baguio

 The Dream:


 It was long, but three friends and I were in some business together. There was this guy named Baguio (sounds like Baaa-g-o) who was Asian, wore a ring on every finger, and had like 20 gold chains and sunglasses on. This man had a haunted location and was selective about who he would let in. He chose another guy. and we were all like, "ok, whatever." Then we were all sitting at this table, and this guy Bagio told this man to leave and then he looked at me and said, "you alone can investigate." So my three friends got Uber-pissed, and then one grabbed me by my shirt; we were nose to nose, and she was yelling about how I was "breaking up the band." Then she said, "I need coffee," and stormed off to the random coffee kiosk in this long white hallway. It was super weird! 


My Interpretation:


The people in the dream each symbolize an aspect of yourself. 

You are committed to a business endeavor, but some unfinished business is on your mind. You can comprehend, understand, and profit from experience. Even though you have social unity, you need to gain some insight before making a decision. 


Getting a name is so cool! Is this a dream character, the name of her subconscious, or something else? 


Baguio has something to do with immortality and life. 

Cards I pulled: 

Card Sun = enlightenment through a person, place, or situation. The answers come from the subconscious to the conscious.

Baguio is best known as the "Summer Capital of the Philippines," Its cool climate makes this a spot to escape the chaotic scenes in Manila. The city is also home to tropical pine forests, lending the city the nickname "City of Pines."


Pines: Immortality 



The Awakening's Mystery Box Experiment: A New Dream/Paranormal Experiment

  Greetings, Seekers of the Unseen,   We are thrilled to introduce a bold new experiment for those brave enough to delve into the mysteries ...