Showing posts with label dream of a house. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream of a house. Show all posts

Friday, December 1, 2023


 Journal entry My dream:

 I suddenly stumbled upon a peculiar scene. Two men were hanging lights outside on a clothesline, their faces obscured by the shadows. Intrigued, I followed the line of lights that led me to a mysterious, dimly lit hallway. Most of the bulbs were burnt out, casting an eerie glow on the walls.

The man hanging the lights assured me that they had worked when they tested them. Unsettled, I ascended a creaky staircase that seemed to stretch into infinity. As I reached the top, I found myself in a corridor adorned with signs bearing cryptic messages like "Scarywood." The atmosphere shifted, and the once vibrant carnival vibe gave way to an unsettling sense of unease.

The rooms that sprawled before me were not what I expected. Instead of typical house decor, each one resembled a haunted museum, filled with oddities. A long hallway stretched before me, dimly lit by flickering candlelight, leading to children's rooms. Two little girls peacefully slept in their beds, while two boys, no older than eight, seemed distressed.

Approaching one of the boys with brown hair, he looked up vacant eyes and muttered, "The shirt you are wearing is too warm." Confused, I opened the dresser, revealing an array of more comfortable shirts.

Leaving the children's rooms, I ventured further into the odd mansion. The hallway branched off into numerous darkened rooms, each with an open door tempting me to explore. The dark wood and antique ambiance suggested an 1800s mansion, creating an unsettling atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine.

Curiosity compelled me to peek into one of the shadowy rooms. What lay beyond those open doors remained a mystery, an invitation to unravel the secrets hidden within the house. The air was thick with anticipation as I hesitated, wondering whether I should dare to uncover the mysteries concealed in the darkness.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail 

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