Showing posts with label dream story. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream story. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2024

My Dream and Interpretation about Death

 Dream journal entry: My Dream


In the heart of the bustling city, I found solace in the cozy embrace of a coffee shop where laughter and conversation filled the air like the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. My friend awaited me in a booth, surrounded by the warmth of a brick wall and the inviting wooden seats with a touch of mystery in their black vinyl or leather covering. The soft coffee shop lighting created a soothing atmosphere.

As we exchanged greetings, I shared an unexpected revelation with my friend—I had given away my Ouija board to a thrift shop, a place that also doubled as a coffee haven. It felt liberating, a gesture of passing on something mysterious and perhaps a little unsettling to a new home.

My attention then shifted to a woman emerging from a door, donned in a grey sweatshirt with the tag still dangling. Strangely, I realized I owned the same shirt. A connection formed, however fleeting, as we prepared to depart. Yet, our exit was halted by the diligent waitress, who pointed out the tag held in place by a safety pin on the woman's ill-fitted sweatshirt.

Protesting the unfairness of the situation, I suddenly found myself submerged in waist-deep water just outside the coffee shop. The surroundings were dark, and confusion enveloped me as various objects floated by. In the distance, a man and a cat struggled to navigate the water, prompting me to realize that this was a treacherous path, where the lost journeyed to the city.

In a surreal twist, awareness dawned upon me—I was no longer alive. Somehow, I found myself confined to a coffin, having been dead for 16 days. As they prepared to exhume my body, a surge of relief washed over me at the prospect of fresh air. Yet, in a macabre twist, I pulled the covers over my decomposing face to shield myself from the scrutiny of the living.

The realization of my transformation unfolded, and I became engulfed in an unsettling void, unable to see or comprehend my surroundings. Fear crept in, but amidst the darkness, a subtle voice echoed—a whisper of healing and regeneration. In the silence, a journey began, transcending the boundaries of life and death, offering a chance for newfound understanding and tranquility in the infinite unknown.


So what does this mean?


Well some version of myself has died off and I am aware of it.  I have made a video with my dream and interpretation.  

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Shadows in the Glass Tower

 Dream journal entry: My Dream

As the day waned into evening, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy fog. It all began harmless enough—I had promised to accompany a friend to the dentist, a routine errand that should have been straightforward. Little did I know that the mundane would soon give way to the eerie and unsettling.

Before heading to the dentist, I made a brief stop at an auto dealer, drawn by the allure of shiny new cars. As I wandered the lot, contemplating the prospect of a fresh set of wheels, a nagging voice reminded me of the steady progress I'd made in paying off my current vehicle. With a reluctant sigh, I abandoned the allure of the new and returned to the task at hand.

But that detour cost me precious time, and soon I found myself rushing to gather the necessary items for the dentist appointment. My friend, ever patient, suggested postponing the visit, but I brushed off the idea, citing the distance we had traveled. It was then that I realized with a sinking feeling—I had left my glasses behind.

Without my glasses, driving became an impossibility, especially as the sun dipped lower in the sky, hinting at the encroaching darkness. Panic threatened to take hold as I contemplated my options. A hotel seemed like a temporary solution, but I lacked the essentials to care for a child who accompanied us.

Desperation led me to a nearby medical building, its sleek glass facade towering ominously against the fading light. Though the sight initially offered a sense of respite, I couldn't shake the growing dread that accompanied the approaching nightfall.

Inside, I stumbled upon a table occupied by a group of women, their voices hushed in conversation. A lone man caught my attention as he peered through a high window, his gaze unsettling in its intensity. With a subtle gesture, he beckoned one of the women to join him, igniting a storm of anger in her wake.

Caught in the midst of this strange scene, I couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked just beyond the edge of perception. As darkness descended, casting long shadows across the grassy expanse, I couldn't help but wonder—what other mysteries lay concealed in the veil of night?

Saturday, January 13, 2024

The Mystery of the Old House

 Dream Journal: My Dream

I found myself standing in the eerie silence of a dark craftsman house, the air heavy with mystery. The living room revealed itself as a showcase of meticulous trim work – a rich brown in one room and a pristine white in another. It was a house with secrets, and I was about to uncover some of them.

A mysterious voice broke the silence, as a man materialized before me. "Welcome," he said, his tone as enigmatic as the surroundings. "This is the house."

My curiosity piqued, I followed the man as he led me through the house. He spoke in hushed tones, sharing a secret that sent shivers down my spine. "He hid his guns under the trim," he whispered, lifting a piece to reveal a concealed compartment. The revelation painted a different picture of the seemingly ordinary home.

As we continued our tour, the man mentioned the kitchen, a place apparently ravaged by destruction, forcing it to be gutted and redone. The story unfolded like a cryptic narrative, each detail adding to the mysterious atmosphere.

In the midst of the revelation, I couldn't help but share a personal experience. "I painted the fireplace hearth brown," I confessed. "But a strange turquoise color bled through."

The man's gaze intensified, as if he knew more than he let on. "Why were you crying while you painted?" he asked, his voice echoing through the dimly lit rooms.

The question caught me off guard. It was as if the house itself demanded an explanation. "I don't know," I admitted, a chill running down my spine.

The mysterious voice lingered in the air, leaving me with more questions than answers. In that moment, the house seemed to hold its breath, as if it were alive with untold stories. The enigma of the house remained, inviting me to unravel its secrets and confront the inexplicable connection between the tears, the paint, and the concealed mysteries within the trim.


This story was created by one of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Ancient Ruins

 Journal entry: My Dream

I suddenly found myself on a road trip with my husband, fueled by the desire to uncover the mysteries of ancient ruins hidden within the majestic mountains. We stopped at an outdoor mall nestled at the foothills, a bustling gateway to the ethereal destination we sought.

As we stepped out of our car, the air held a subtle mystique. The outdoor mall seemed ordinary at first, but as we ascended a set of cement stairs with a sturdy metal railing, an otherworldly atmosphere began to envelop us. The stairs, intricately designed, gradually narrowed in size, leading us to a gathering of people adorned in vibrant attire, singing in a language unfamiliar to us.

Curiosity pulled us further, and we found ourselves standing at the precipice of a vast mountain range. The rocks, painted in hues of red, resembled a desert canvas beneath the boundless sky. It was then that the air resonated with harmonious sounds—a melodic blend of trumpets and voices, creating a symphony of an unseen celebration.

My gaze was drawn upward, and against the canvas of the sky, a lion materialized, an ethereal outline traversing the heavens. Beside it danced mythical creatures, their forms shifting and blending in a surreal display. I felt a connection to this celestial dance, as if witnessing a cosmic celebration that transcended time and space.

As I marveled at the celestial display, a crescent moon captured my attention. Swiftly, it streaked across the sky and down to the left, ushering in the arrival of night. With the transition, a palpable chill descended upon the air, announcing the arrival of winter. I shivered, not just from the cold, but from the realization that I was witnessing something beyond the ordinary.

Suddenly, a thunderous bang echoed through the air, sending a jolt of fear through my veins. In the midst of the celestial spectacle, I searched desperately for a place to hide. The once serene surroundings transformed into a stage for a cosmic drama, and I, a mere observer, grappled with the overwhelming intensity of the spiritual awakening unfolding before my eyes.

In that moment of fear and awe, I felt a profound connection to the universe, a realization that the boundaries between the material and the metaphysical were fading. The road trip to ancient ruins became a pilgrimage to the soul, and the celestial display in the mountains marked the beginning of a transformative journey—a journey toward spiritual awakening.


This is my dream story 

Thursday, December 14, 2023

High Tech Temporal Confusion

 Journal entry my dream:

The air crackled with an otherworldly energy as I found myself standing in the midst of a familiar city, yet the disorientation gnawed at my senses. It was a mid-century strip mall, but the air felt charged with an odd futuristic vibe. I glanced around, trying to make sense of my surroundings, only to realize that I couldn't determine where or when I was.

A group of people stood beside me, all attempting to enter a secret shop in the mall. A man guarded the entrance, allowing only a select few to pass through. Curiosity ignited within me, and I joined the queue, my anticipation building as I approached the guarded door.

To my left, on the cold sidewalk, lay two men in distress. One convulsed, seemingly electrocuted, while the other appeared entranced by an unknown force. Fear gripped me, and my gaze shifted to the shop's window, revealing a computer screen. On it, I engaged in a conversation with someone, expressing my uncertainty about my presence in this strange place.

Unease settled in, prompting me to abandon the attempt to enter the shop. I ventured to a friend's house, a split-level mid-century home with sleek metal railings dividing its two levels. Inside, my husband sat on a pristine white sofa, and I walked past him toward the dining room.

The room held a plain, modern wood table adorned with a laptop. On the screen my friends gathered, pulling tarot cards, an unexpected turn of events that left me feeling unprepared. I vocalized my confusion, expressing that I thought we had other plans. Two young girls stood beside me, I informed them that I wore headphones but if they wanted to hear they could watch on the TV.

Their eyes sparkled with interest, but to my surprise, they walked past the television without a second glance, leaving me disappointed and bewildered by the inexplicable events unfolding in this time-twisted world.



This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Am I dreaming or am I awake

 Journal entry my dream:


It was a cool evening, and the glow from the movie theater spilled into the narrow streets as I stepped out, still absorbed in the film's narrative. The street was exceptionally small, and as I approached my car, I realized I had no room to turn around. The outdoor dining area extended to the edge of the street, and a couple enjoyed their meal at a table right in my exit path. Behind them, a fence kept rotating, blocking any possibility of an easy departure.

I couldn't help but share my enthusiasm for the movie with the couple. "You should really see it," I told them, "each of you will like it for a different reason." They didn't seem to respond, so I got in my car to leave.

Somehow I had left and was on the freeway, the world opened up with lanes and overpasses sprawling in every direction. Exits loomed on both sides, offering endless possibilities. To my left, the sign for the 91 freeway caught my attention, and a thought crossed my mind: the 91 is about embracing newness, where you can do anything. 



Despite the vastness of the freeway, I found myself searching for a specific exit. The lanes stretched out, each promising a different destination. It wasn't until I reached a gas station that I decided to pause and refuel. Inside, the shelves were lined with books, and one particular cover drew me in—a picture of Catalina Island, pictured as a volcano surrounded by water with white houses dotting its landscape.

I couldn't resist buying the book, and as I confirmed the price was $8.95, an odd realization struck me. The price, 8.95, was a curious coincidence. In numerology, it symbolized questioning one's beliefs, a fitting notion for this spontaneous journey.

Turning to the woman at the register, I casually mentioned, "We'll take down your Christmas lights," and to my surprise, she agreed with a simple nod. She had long, dark blonde hair, and her age suggested a wealth of experiences.

Walking back to my car, I couldn't help but notice a pink wild west saloon with brown shutters nearby. It stood out as an eccentric touch in the modern surroundings, leaving me to ponder if I was dreaming or awake. 


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Thursday, December 7, 2023

Coffee and Cigarettes

 Journal entry my dream:


The air in the faintly lit room hung heavy with the scent of nostalgia and secrets. The house, a relic from a bygone era, seemed frozen in time, its walls adorned with faded photographs and forgotten memories. I found myself in the company of strangers, drawn into a web of intrigue that clung to the air like cigarette smoke.

As I lounged on the worn-out couch, a mysterious figure emerged from the shadows. A man, with sharp features and a fedora casting shadows over his face, extended a cigarette toward me. His eyes, shrouded in mystery, met mine. Without a word, I accepted the offer, only to realize that the flame danced at the wrong end. A cigarette lit on the filter—a subtle signal, a cryptic message.

The stranger nonchalantly dismissed the mistake, feigning innocence as though the misstep was nothing more than a figment of my imagination. He redirected his attention elsewhere, as if the lit filter was a mere illusion, leaving me to decipher the enigma alone.

"Make me some coffee," he ordered abruptly, as if asserting his dominance over the situation. I rose from the couch, navigating my way through the murky shadows that clung to the corners of the room. The kitchen, a sepia-toned haven, welcomed me with creaky floorboards and the distant hum of an ancient refrigerator.

The coffee maker, an integral part of the cabinetry, stood as a relic of a time when things were built to last. As I went about the task, two shadowy figures emerged from the depths of the kitchen, their faces etched with the weariness of the years. They became my unwitting confidants as I spoke of a road trip to Las Vegas for two—a journey that seemed more like a distant dream than a tangible reality.

In the hushed conversation, I revealed the haunting truth—I hadn't done anything since. The road trip, a facade concealing a past I couldn't escape, had become a metaphor for the stagnant existence I sought to flee. The strangers listened intently, their eyes betraying no judgment, only a silent understanding of the shadows that lurked in every corner of the room.

As the coffee brewed, the air thickened with anticipation, the noir vibe enveloping the room like a heavy fog. The enigmatic man, still draped in shadows, awaited his coffee, unaware that the walls of the house echoed with the untold stories of those who sought refuge within its aging embrace. And so, the quest for escape lingered, intertwined with the smoky tendrils of uncertainty that clung to the dimly lit corners of that mysterious house.


Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Mysterious Woman on the Wall

 Dream Journal my dream:

The museum stood solitary on the desert plateau, its ancient walls bearing the weight of untold stories. I walked through the courtyard, feeling the crunch of sand beneath my shoes, and entered the dimly lit rooms, each filled with artifacts that whispered secrets from the past.

It was my second visit that day, a strange compulsion drawing me back. As I strolled through the exhibits, I overheard a conversation that sent a a chill down my spine. The museum, it seemed, was on the brink of closure, having earned a mere $120. The announcement hung in the air like a ghostly echo.

Leaving the museum behind, I found myself at a bank with glass doors that revealed a sprawling forest outside. It was then that I noticed a tall, thin, mangy wolf standing just beyond the glass. I fumbled for my phone to capture the strange sight, but to my dismay, the device refused to cooperate. When I mentioned the wolf to others, they dismissed it as a mere dog, oblivious to the eerie presence outside.

Returning to my hotel, the mystery deepened. The room, with its twin beds separated by an end table, held an unexpected surprise. A woman hung on the wall like a macabre piece of art. Disturbed, I accused her of making me harm her.

As I sat on my bed, contemplating the surreal scene, droplets of water began to fall on my head. I glanced outside and witnessed a violent confrontation between two groups of men. They seemed like characters from a film, all with shadows clinging to their motives. One man knelt, seemingly destined for a tragic end.

Driven by an impulse to intervene, I rushed outside, only to find chaos erupting. Seeking refuge, I climbed into a boxcar of a passing train. In the adjacent car, tension simmered as the occupants eyed me with suspicion. Desperate to avoid trouble, I turned to the man next to me and pleaded, "Tell them I'm your daughter's friend." but then said "Oh but she's just like me."

The world outside the train car blurred as the wheels clacked along the tracks. The mystery enveloped me, each fragment of the day weaving a tapestry of bizarre events. The thin line between reality and illusion began to blur, leaving me questioning the nature of the museum, the wolf, the woman on the wall, and the unfolding drama in the desert night.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Escape from Earth

 Journal entry my dream:


I was escaping Earth on a mid-century, Earth-made spaceship that was surprisingly adorned in shades of pink. The nostalgic color clashed with the futuristic vibe of the vessel, giving it an oddly comforting aesthetic. Beside me was a man I knew, and together, we embarked on this interstellar journey.

As the spaceship soared through the cosmic expanse, I couldn't help but glance out of the small windows, watching Earth shrink in the distance. I turned to my companion and uttered, "I'm glad we're leaving. It feels like the right choice."

Our destination was a mysterious self-contained city, part of a housing complex on another planet. The city boasted amenities like a school, a restaurant, and an overall atmosphere of contentment. However, my skepticism crept in, and I insisted, "We have to gather more information before making any decisions."

Our guide, an enigmatic presence that remained silent, led us to three identical units within the complex. They were stark and plain, with white walls and no furniture. Each had a patio adorned with Buddhist statues, rattan mats, and small flags. The last unit had a wooden mat with peculiar dots, catching my attention.

It was then that I noticed the cracked mat and a growing sense of unease. "Something is wrong here," I murmured to my companion. Suddenly, our leisurely tour turned into a desperate attempt to escape as the surroundings transformed into chaos.

Running through the city's ruins, we encountered strange creatures that seemed to materialize from the shadows. Fear surged within me as I realized fighting was inevitable, and I needed a weapon. In the midst of the pursuit, I wished for a screwdriver, a versatile tool that could be a weapon and a means to escape.

To my surprise, as if responding to my thoughts, a screwdriver materialized in my hand. I grasped it tightly, the cool metal providing a strange reassurance. With newfound courage, we navigated through the dilapidated city, the once-idyllic surroundings now a haunting reminder of a facade that concealed a darker reality.

This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail


Friday, December 1, 2023


 Journal entry My dream:

 I suddenly stumbled upon a peculiar scene. Two men were hanging lights outside on a clothesline, their faces obscured by the shadows. Intrigued, I followed the line of lights that led me to a mysterious, dimly lit hallway. Most of the bulbs were burnt out, casting an eerie glow on the walls.

The man hanging the lights assured me that they had worked when they tested them. Unsettled, I ascended a creaky staircase that seemed to stretch into infinity. As I reached the top, I found myself in a corridor adorned with signs bearing cryptic messages like "Scarywood." The atmosphere shifted, and the once vibrant carnival vibe gave way to an unsettling sense of unease.

The rooms that sprawled before me were not what I expected. Instead of typical house decor, each one resembled a haunted museum, filled with oddities. A long hallway stretched before me, dimly lit by flickering candlelight, leading to children's rooms. Two little girls peacefully slept in their beds, while two boys, no older than eight, seemed distressed.

Approaching one of the boys with brown hair, he looked up vacant eyes and muttered, "The shirt you are wearing is too warm." Confused, I opened the dresser, revealing an array of more comfortable shirts.

Leaving the children's rooms, I ventured further into the odd mansion. The hallway branched off into numerous darkened rooms, each with an open door tempting me to explore. The dark wood and antique ambiance suggested an 1800s mansion, creating an unsettling atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine.

Curiosity compelled me to peek into one of the shadowy rooms. What lay beyond those open doors remained a mystery, an invitation to unravel the secrets hidden within the house. The air was thick with anticipation as I hesitated, wondering whether I should dare to uncover the mysteries concealed in the darkness.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail 

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Disoriented and Shaken

 Journal entry my dream:

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape. Myself and two others, disoriented and shaken, stumbled away from the wreckage of our small red car that now lay submerged in the cold, murky water. Panic settled in as we exchanged furtive glances, a silent agreement to split up, each of us haunted by the sense that we were hiding something.

I chose to walk along the riverbank, the tall grass rustling in the chilling breeze. The air was thick with an ominous stillness, broken only by the distant moans of the undead. As I pressed on, shadows danced in the moonlight, and my steps quickened with every imagined sound that echoed through the desolation.

Suddenly, I froze. Emerging from the gloom were silhouettes, figures that moved with a slow, deliberate shuffle. Zombies. Their vacant eyes fixed on nothing, and their arms outstretched in a grotesque parody of life. Fear gripped me, and without a second thought, I turned on my heels, retracing my steps.

As I backtracked, my heart raced, and the shadows seemed to close in around me. Seeking refuge, I stumbled upon a dilapidated boathouse, its weathered wood groaning in the wind. The door creaked open with reluctance, revealing an interior shrouded in darkness. Inside, the air was stale, and the only sounds were the distant moans of the undead.

A few crates and an old desk greeted me in the dim light filtering through the cracked windows. The place seemed abandoned, a sanctuary from the outside world. But as my eyes adjusted, I realized it wasn't deserted after all. Shapes stirred in the shadows, and dread settled in my stomach.

Zombies, dormant until my intrusion, began to awaken. Their groans became more pronounced, echoing through the desolate boathouse. Fear rooted me to the spot, my mind racing for an escape route. The path back was blocked by the advancing undead, and my only option was to face the horrors within or risk being devoured by the ones outside.

Terrified, I turned and fled from the boat house, leaving behind the ominous shadows and the waking dead. The night pressed in around me, and the moonlight offered little solace. My breath hitched with each step, unsure of what awaited me beyond the next bend. The riverbank, once a desolate refuge, now felt like a nightmarish maze where every shadow concealed a new terror.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

The Storm in the Distance Dream

Journal entry my dream:

The dimly lit hotel room was filled with an air of anticipation as I sat on the floor, surrounded by the scattered pages and sketches that adorned the man's peculiar dream journal. His dreams seemed to weave a complex tapestry of the universe, with galaxies and constellations depicted in intricate detail. Two thick books lay open beside him, filled with unsettling drawings that hinted at a world beyond our comprehension.

As I poured over the dream interpretations, a shiver ran down my spine, and I decided to take a break. Rising from the floor, I made my way to the living room, drawn to the large window that overlooked the sprawling city of Lights. The neon lights and distant hum of the city created an illusion of normalcy, but the air was thick with an unsettling energy.

Intent on changing into more comfortable attire, I glanced down and noticed I was still wearing my shirt that humorously declared, "The answer is champagne." A nervous laugh escaped my lips, momentarily distracting me from the strangeness of the situation. However, my gaze was soon drawn to the open window.

As I moved to close it, my eyes widened at the sight unfolding beyond the glass. A surreal storm, unlike anything I had ever witnessed, loomed on the horizon. Massive gray clouds billowed menacingly, resembling a bomb with tendrils of smoke. It was a storm of unparalleled magnitude, and it was headed directly for me.

In the distance, the thunderous sound of an explosion echoed, but this was no ordinary storm. The rolling clouds advanced with an almost sentient force, demolishing concrete buildings and sending shock waves through the city. Panic ensued, and the sound of terrified screams filled the air.

Fear gripped me as I stumbled backward, torn between the instinct to flee and the uncertainty of where safety lay. The window provided a chilling vantage point as the destructive force drew nearer. With a quick decision, I closed the blinds, shutting out the nightmarish scene unfolding outside.

I stood there in the darkness, heart pounding, questioning the reality of the surreal events. The hotel room now felt like a fragile sanctuary, and I couldn't shake the feeling that whatever horror had descended upon the city was not bound by walls or barriers.

As the muffled sounds of chaos persisted beyond the closed blinds, I couldn't help but wonder if the answer truly was champagne or if the nightmare outside would breach the fragile safety of the hotel room. The air was thick with an impending sense of doom, leaving me to contemplate whether I had found refuge or merely a temporary respite from the impending storm.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Dreams of Sex and Wealth

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed . 

The Dream

 Best way to describe it was an Eyes Wide Shut story line, but instead of seeking them out, someone from the circle sought me out. She was a Hollywood celeb who took a liking to me, she was as a blond haired as they came, was blind folded till they brought me into the circle, told me I was chosen to be a part of their group. I’m like why me? I’m no one. They wouldn’t answer, the girl showed me around the place. It was a massive mansion I was in, was completely dark enough only to see the people. They had me take part in sexual rituals, which is the first for me, being I never have those kind of dreams. Months went by in the dream, I saw I lost a shit ton of weight, and was a totally different person who became and guy in power with wealth and got to keep his celebrity girl who brought me into the circle in the first place. I couldn’t get a good look at her face though as she had a cat like mask on her face.

My Interpretation
This dream is your subconscious, asking you to look at aspects of yourself that may hold you back. The sex act parallels that you wish to express hidden things. For example, the goal may be to feel more confident. The celebrity who is the intuitive part of you wears a mask so you know not to deceive yourself and to trust your intuition. It's a sign that you're growing and breaking free from your old thinking. 

*Analyzing the other characters in the dream would give some insight into parts of yourself you need to work on or with. For example, what were the sexual rituals? Something about the people or acts will reveal what needs to be discovered.
 The card
 (Spirit of swords) The Masquerader for all the knowledge in many areas; he collects it without using it. Instead, he hides behind excuses, his mask questioning himself. 


A little more about your symbols
Someone seeking you instead of you seeking them is a lack of ambition.
The celebrity in this dream is showing you what stands in the way.
The mansion is self, and you are discovering unknown hidden aspects of self.
 The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. For example, since it was a group, maybe you need to be more social in your waking life.
 To dream that you are rich signifies pride and self-confidence.
Cat intuition independence femininity.
To see someone wearing a mask in your dream denotes that you possibly are struggling against deceit, falsehood, or jealousy.  



Saturday, March 4, 2023

Repetitive dream of a childhood home



 The Dream

I fall asleep and "wake up" in my childhood home I remember it was from about mid-elementary school until I move out. It's always empty, and sunny.  I do the same thing every time. I take the same route walking around the house, looking in each room, then going outside and walking the same path around the yard. I feel that I focus on or spend more time in specific areas such as the railing by the stairs, the kitchen, the living room (that's the first room I am in when I "wake up"), the storage room, and various areas in the yard like the shed and under a big tree next to the house. 

However, this time was different and it's never happened before. This time it was night and when I "woke up" I was in the living room as I always am but this time it was furnished like I remember it being as a toddler up until it changed in the mid-'90s, to how it looks in the above dream, (wooden couch with the ugly dark yellow and browning floral patterns, ugly dark carpet, coffee table, and the wooden end tables that matched the couch and chair). I remember hiding behind the couch from the opposite end of the living room from where I always start. I peeked around the couch to see my mom on her back, bound and being sort of skinned by my dad. Super vivid, dark blue/black rope, that bound her in a pattern that wrapped neatly around her body from shoulders to legs, then looped up the middle and her mouth was gagged. He was sort of skinning her between the rope where her skin was exposed. It wasn't bloody or anything, just a lot of exposed muscle tissue from head to toe. They also looked just like I remember them when I was that age.

Anyway, I turned to the side and my older sister was there. before I had always been alone in the dream. The dream was silent the whole time. No noises at all. We looked at each other and then back at the scene in the living room. Then we snuck out the front door, which we never used and isn't the one I would always "wake up" at. We hid under the outside stairs, which also were different as they had always been cemented in my life growing up there and always were in my other dream. But when the house sold the new owners took them out and replaced them with a wooden deck. So we hid underneath them for a bit and then ran and hid under an old antique covered wagon, one that would have been used during the times of like the Oregon Trail. Only this wagon was is in my grandmothers front yard in Illinois in real life up until I was in Highschool because they moved and couldn't take it (as far as I can remeber I have never visited this home in my dreams even though it was one of my favorite places ever). So we hid under that for a little while then snuck back to the house and into the living room, only now my mom was on the couch and looked like nothing had ever happened. I can't recall if she was dressed or not, but she looked just fine. I think my dad was standing next to the couch. They both smiled and we walked over to them before I woke up in real life. 
My Interpretation 
Something in your waking life has triggered  aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. The dream is pointing out issues you are not consciously facing. To see a rope in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others or ways of thinking.  It also represents restriction which is confirmed by the gag in the mouth. Blue and black can be emotions and subconscious. Being skinned exposing something by taking away the layers of protection. Stairs are change and transformation which is confirmed by the fact the stairs in the dream change too. 
So the dream is most likely about you not them. Each person is a symbol a reflection of you. Something you need to work through about yourself that was developed during that time. Your subconscious wants you to understand why you approach a current situation a certain way. It is due to something you learned in your development during that time in the house. The end after all the peeling away layers is happiness. 

Card Lord of Cups: Urges the seeker to see beyond illusion to seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection.

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Saturday, February 25, 2023

A Spirit Visitation Six Spirits One Message



The Dream

A woman with red curly hair showed me she was missing her left breast and had liquid coming from her chest. I knew she had died of an infection. A second woman, who was brunette and dressed in a 1940s mid-calf black skirt, told me she was attacked by a man and left under something outside a building. I then turned and was in the cemetery, and four spirits were floating over their graves; before I could do anything, I woke up!

The Interpretation

 The dream is about dependency and imbalance. The need for more spontaneity and vitality in life. It is time to make changes from negative thoughts and ideas that are internalized. The need for confidence which has become infected with negativity. The assertive aspect of self points out not to be left out of your own sense of self and lose motivation. 

2 spirits that were showing me something about their deaths.  

Number 2 is a symbol of balance, prosperity, teamwork, peace and harmony. 2 also has positive vibrational energy connected to service and openness, but at its core, number 2 represents partnerships

The number 4 came up in the dream with the four spirits floating over their graves.

Angel Number 4 encourages you to make the most of situations that will help you fulfill your life’s purpose and to be aware of how your thoughts and actions can influence your spiritual journey. This could mean taking steps toward your goals or making changes that improve your chances of succeeding in life. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts and need someone else (or something else) to give us a gentle nudge out of our comfort zone.

The meaning of this angelic numeral can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its main objective is to encourage self-reflection and inspire positive changes in your life journey. In addition, the angelic beings are reminding us all that nothing in this world is permanent—not even our emotions or desires. Everything changes over time as we travel through different phases of our lives. 

Cards pulled from The Mystical Dream Deck

The Innocent = Fool.  Have balance and discernment. Know the truth before making decisions. perception can seduce one into falsehoods and onto dangerous paths.  

The Master of Secrets = The Magician. Help, true plan or path. Everything is in place you just need to chose to be ready

Ten of Wands = change is ahead the goal is now in view. 

To read about my cemetery trip which may have influenced my dream symbols. Go to my other blog 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Dream Interpretation: Talking to Ghosts in your dream

*Listen to the podcast on YouTube or Anchor this week for more about this dream and this weeks dream symbol Elephants 


The dream


 I remember we were driving down Riverside Drive which is a road here where I live and we’re driving by Hiram walkers, which is famous for their Canadian whiskey, so we saw all these people standing around and then we go hey, let’s go see what’s going on so we get out of the car we walked across and then the next day I know we’re walking down this alley which I know there is no alley to this area specially to this particular building, but we are walking down this alley, and I saw all these crowds of people there wearing TAPS T-shirts which is the ghost hunters team and then we saw lights and cameras and we watch people just watching this investigation happening so I end up walking around the building and I found this old section covered area with old bricks in a cast iron gate so I walked to the gate and I could see this apparition of this little girl standing there and I’m talking to her and she’s answering me and I can make out all of her details but her eyes I couldn’t see her eyes. She had blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white tights underneath but I couldn’t see her feet so those were the only two features I couldn’t see but yet she had a German Shepherd dog that was with her so I was asking her name and she told me her name was Jules and I said Jules, would you like to be on my show so we left because I had to go find my computer. I saw an old friend across the street and I asked him to give me a ride so I can get my computer we get to. I get my computer and I open it up and I start the show and I’m asking if any of my media friends out there can see who is with me. I wasn’t getting any answers so I was getting frustrated so we went back to where she where I found her, but when we returned, she disappeared and I started to look for the next thing I know I am walking down a very dark dimly lit tunnel and I’m calling out her name and I’m not finding her so I’m checking all the doors down this hallway when I get to a door that opens I go inside and that’s when I wake up.


The Interpretation

This dream may be about searching for a way to accomplish a goal. You may feel you are missing out on an opportunity and feel you hit a dead end. Brick wall is your thoughts and ideas. The Iron gate is your will power. Ghost girl (see below) The computer is you searching for information. Asking for a ride vs driving yourself is relying on others. The end in the tunnel is you exploring deeper into your subconscious and opening new awareness. The end is good because you can think about this dream and ask your subconscious for answers. I believe it will have the answers you are looking for. Blue represents wisdom and the subconscious mind. Think of the girl as your subconscious the dog shows it is a safe space. So you don't have to be protective.


Card I pulled


Spirit of Cups = Water of the Unconscious

Dreamer is devoted to the path of learning 


Thank you Dale for sending in your dream. 

You can find Dale on The Paranormal Voice


This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Dream: A guy named Baguio

 The Dream:


 It was long, but three friends and I were in some business together. There was this guy named Baguio (sounds like Baaa-g-o) who was Asian, wore a ring on every finger, and had like 20 gold chains and sunglasses on. This man had a haunted location and was selective about who he would let in. He chose another guy. and we were all like, "ok, whatever." Then we were all sitting at this table, and this guy Bagio told this man to leave and then he looked at me and said, "you alone can investigate." So my three friends got Uber-pissed, and then one grabbed me by my shirt; we were nose to nose, and she was yelling about how I was "breaking up the band." Then she said, "I need coffee," and stormed off to the random coffee kiosk in this long white hallway. It was super weird! 


My Interpretation:


The people in the dream each symbolize an aspect of yourself. 

You are committed to a business endeavor, but some unfinished business is on your mind. You can comprehend, understand, and profit from experience. Even though you have social unity, you need to gain some insight before making a decision. 


Getting a name is so cool! Is this a dream character, the name of her subconscious, or something else? 


Baguio has something to do with immortality and life. 

Cards I pulled: 

Card Sun = enlightenment through a person, place, or situation. The answers come from the subconscious to the conscious.

Baguio is best known as the "Summer Capital of the Philippines," Its cool climate makes this a spot to escape the chaotic scenes in Manila. The city is also home to tropical pine forests, lending the city the nickname "City of Pines."


Pines: Immortality 



Sunday, February 5, 2023

Dream Symbol Cats

 Let's explore cats as a dream symbol. Cats represent intuition, femininity, and independence. I have many dreams about cats, but the interpretation depends on what other characters appear in your dream. What is the cat doing? What are you doing? 

I had a dream of a sick cat. The message was to pay attention to my intuition. 

Do you have a cat dream you want help interpreting? You can email me at




Dream dictionary


Cats represent our independent spirit, femininity, and intuition. If you dream you can't find your cat, you may be looking for independence. To dream you are saving a cat implies you are reclaiming your freedom. To dream of a cat scratched you means you feel threatened. Seeing a black cat could be a fear you are not addressing. In all of these explanations, you need to explore the other symbols in your dream to find your dream message. 


 Spiritual meaning for dream symbol cat: Cats are associated with magic. Many also believe they connect to the spiritual world and have healing powers.

 Follow my YouTube channel for weekly symbols.

Cats Dream symbol  


 May be an image of one or more people and cat

Saturday, January 21, 2023

A Guide To Work Through Your Nightmares By Deedee Jebrail


Nightmares are real and can be traumatic events. There are Movies made from these dreams; remember Nightmare on Elm Street? Nightmares can spill over to our waking lives. Our sleep and waking lives are connected.

Wes Craven, the creator of the Nightmare on Elm Street movie, was inspired by a story he read in the L.A. Times about a family that had survived the Killing Fields in Cambodia. They made it to the United States, but a young boy in the family still found himself haunted by terrible nightmares while he slept. The young boy died after having a series of nightmares. The boy stayed awake for days. Finally, he told his parents something was chasing him in his nightmares. He was afraid that if he fell asleep, it would get him. Exhausted, the boy finally fell asleep. Sometime during the night, the boy's screams woke his parents. They found him dead.

No wonder we fear nightmares so much and don't want to revisit them. So instead, I want to show you why we should and how it will benefit us in our sleep and waking lives.


Nightmares are dreams that cause a strong but unpleasant emotional response. Nightmares usually happen during sleep when REM intervals lengthen; these tend to happen halfway through sleep. Then, as we prepare to awaken, memories begin to combine.

We dream as we transition from REM sleep. Because we tend to dream at the sleep-wake point,  referred to as the twilight zone, images imagined while dreaming, including the vivid, often terrifying images produced during nightmares, are remembered.

Nightmares happen for several reasons—stress, anxiety, irregular sleep, medications, and mental health disorders. The most studied cause is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there are places to reach out for help. If nightmares plague you, talk to your doctor.


 I want to discuss the subconscious notice-me nightmare. The symbols might be scary, but you have a nightmare once in a while, and it is about taking notice of a situation.

I had a nightmare so scary it took me 35 years to analyze. Finally, I found I did not need to be afraid; it was a dream of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling my life.



My Nightmare

I was lying in bed, not asleep. It was early, maybe just past dusk. I had been to a church that told me to ask the Holy Spirit to possess my soul so no other entity could. They gave me a prayer. I don't remember the prayer. That is an important detail. As I prayed, a man-type figure flew from the sky and fell onto me like a slab of meat. This being was like all human muscles with no skin, not male or female. The entity then put its wrists over my wrists, ankles over my ankles, and the rest floated above me. We only touch our wrists and ankles. It was so solid and heavy that I could not move. It then began to steal my breath, and I thought, oh no, it was killing me! I started to say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, but I kept saying I rebuke you in the name of Satan over and over again. I was so scared. I finally pictured the letter J, E, then S, and it was gone. I sat up! That is a scary nightmare, especially when you sit up choking for air!

The meaning of the dream

This dream is about the restoration of the mind, spiritual guidance, the need to relinquish worries, and the need to develop inner strength to become more confident. This dream was telling me I had the power.


This is a guide to working out those nightmares

Write out your dream as a memory, look up and write the symbols with definitions, use every detail of your dream, and analyze it. You need to know what the subconscious wants you to understand.

Write a different positive ending for your dream. Review it before you go to sleep. Give it a good, empowering end where you defeat the monsters or the beast is just a jacket on the chair. If you are a lucid dreamer, you can do it within the dream.

Be careful what you watch or allow yourself to see. I like to watch something relaxing or funny before sleep. The subconscious could use images you see throughout your day as a later symbol.

Place a Black Tourmaline crystal on your nightstand. It is said to protect you from negative thoughts and harmful spirits. I like to hold mine anytime I feel negative thoughts or enter a negative situation. I also place mine on my computer for protection.

Work on the things that happen in your waking life that are causing you stress. You may need to say no to a project or verbalize your feelings in a waking situation. Keep a journal and write your thoughts, experiences, and emotions. You can read them and reflect on how to change things. If you do this, your dreams will give you more solutions than nightmares.


The best way to have peace in your sleep is to conquer your suppressed emotions and thoughts during the day. If you don't, your dreams might become nightmares.





Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) by Melissa Bastek


Nightmares and the Brain by Scott Edwards


A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story

By Sean O'Connell

published October 20, 2014

Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

 Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

Deedee has been analyzing dreams for herself, family and friends for over 30 years. She has taken classes by J.M. DeBord, author of several books about dreams, including the best-selling "Dream Interpretation Dictionary."

Deedee interprets dreams for those who ask. Email and read her dream interpretations on her blog

A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story .... A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story .... Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story ....



Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...