Showing posts with label dream study quiz. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream study quiz. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Dream Studies Test your knowledge: Famous People Edition


 *Answers at the bottom

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Who is often referred to as the "father of psychoanalysis" and made significant contributions to the understanding of dreams?

    • A) Carl Jung
    • B) Sigmund Freud
    • C) Alfred Adler
    • D) Erik Erikson

  2. Which psychologist is known for his work on lucid dreaming and the development of the MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) technique?

    • A) William James
    • B) Carl Rogers
    • C) Allan Hobson
    • D) Stephen LaBerge

  3. This famous psychiatrist and author explored the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes in dreams. Who is he?

    • A) Albert Ellis
    • B) Carl Jung
    • C) B.F. Skinner
    • D) Abraham Maslow

  4. Which ancient Greek philosopher believed that dreams were a window into our unconscious mind and could be analyzed for psychological insights?

    • A) Plato
    • B) Aristotle
    • C) Socrates
    • D) Heraclitus

  5. This modern sleep researcher is known for his work on sleep cycles and the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Who is he?

    • A) William Dement
    • B) Eugene Aserinsky
    • C) Matthew Walker
    • D) Nathaniel Kleitman

  6. Which famous author wrote about his vivid dreams and nightmares in his personal diaries, often using them as inspiration for his literary works?

    • A) J.K. Rowling
    • B) F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • C) Virginia Woolf
    • D) Mary Shelley

  7. This neuroscientist and author of "The Dreaming Brain" is known for his research on the science of dreams and the brain's activity during sleep. Who is he?

    • A) Oliver Sacks
    • B) Richard Feynman
    • C) Antonio Damasio
    • D) J. Allan Hobson

  8. Which ancient Egyptian pharaoh believed in the significance of dreams and had a dream journal discovered in his tomb?

    • A) Cleopatra
    • B) Ramses II
    • C) Tutankhamun
    • D) Hatshepsut

  9. This psychologist proposed the Activation-Synthesis theory, suggesting that dreams are a result of random neural activity in the brain during sleep. Who is he?

    • A) Carl Rogers
    • B) Allan Hobson
    • C) B.F. Skinner
    • D) Ernest Hartmann

  10. Which famous artist is known for using dreams as a source of inspiration for many of his surreal and fantastical paintings?

    • A) Vincent van Gogh
    • B) Salvador Dalí
    • C) Pablo Picasso
    • D) Frida Kahlo


    Answer key

    1.  Answer: B) Sigmund Freud

    2. Answer: D) Stephen LaBerge

    3. Answer: B) Carl Jung

    4.  Answer: A) Plato

    5.  Answer: B) Eugene Aserinsky

    6. Answer: C) Virginia Woolf

    7.  Answer: D) J. Allan Hobson

    8.  Answer: B) Ramses II actually found at the  Deir el-Medina cemetery not his journal but a    book of dreams during his rein. More info

    9.  Answer: B) Allan Hobson

    10. Answer: B) Salvador Dalí

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