Showing posts with label test your dream knowledge. Show all posts
Showing posts with label test your dream knowledge. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Dream Studies Test your knowledge: Famous People Edition


 *Answers at the bottom

Multiple Choice Questions

  1. Who is often referred to as the "father of psychoanalysis" and made significant contributions to the understanding of dreams?

    • A) Carl Jung
    • B) Sigmund Freud
    • C) Alfred Adler
    • D) Erik Erikson

  2. Which psychologist is known for his work on lucid dreaming and the development of the MILD (Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams) technique?

    • A) William James
    • B) Carl Rogers
    • C) Allan Hobson
    • D) Stephen LaBerge

  3. This famous psychiatrist and author explored the concept of the collective unconscious and archetypes in dreams. Who is he?

    • A) Albert Ellis
    • B) Carl Jung
    • C) B.F. Skinner
    • D) Abraham Maslow

  4. Which ancient Greek philosopher believed that dreams were a window into our unconscious mind and could be analyzed for psychological insights?

    • A) Plato
    • B) Aristotle
    • C) Socrates
    • D) Heraclitus

  5. This modern sleep researcher is known for his work on sleep cycles and the discovery of rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Who is he?

    • A) William Dement
    • B) Eugene Aserinsky
    • C) Matthew Walker
    • D) Nathaniel Kleitman

  6. Which famous author wrote about his vivid dreams and nightmares in his personal diaries, often using them as inspiration for his literary works?

    • A) J.K. Rowling
    • B) F. Scott Fitzgerald
    • C) Virginia Woolf
    • D) Mary Shelley

  7. This neuroscientist and author of "The Dreaming Brain" is known for his research on the science of dreams and the brain's activity during sleep. Who is he?

    • A) Oliver Sacks
    • B) Richard Feynman
    • C) Antonio Damasio
    • D) J. Allan Hobson

  8. Which ancient Egyptian pharaoh believed in the significance of dreams and had a dream journal discovered in his tomb?

    • A) Cleopatra
    • B) Ramses II
    • C) Tutankhamun
    • D) Hatshepsut

  9. This psychologist proposed the Activation-Synthesis theory, suggesting that dreams are a result of random neural activity in the brain during sleep. Who is he?

    • A) Carl Rogers
    • B) Allan Hobson
    • C) B.F. Skinner
    • D) Ernest Hartmann

  10. Which famous artist is known for using dreams as a source of inspiration for many of his surreal and fantastical paintings?

    • A) Vincent van Gogh
    • B) Salvador Dalí
    • C) Pablo Picasso
    • D) Frida Kahlo


    Answer key

    1.  Answer: B) Sigmund Freud

    2. Answer: D) Stephen LaBerge

    3. Answer: B) Carl Jung

    4.  Answer: A) Plato

    5.  Answer: B) Eugene Aserinsky

    6. Answer: C) Virginia Woolf

    7.  Answer: D) J. Allan Hobson

    8.  Answer: B) Ramses II actually found at the  Deir el-Medina cemetery not his journal but a    book of dreams during his rein. More info

    9.  Answer: B) Allan Hobson

    10. Answer: B) Salvador Dalí

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