Showing posts with label dream symbol planes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream symbol planes. Show all posts

Saturday, April 30, 2022

Dream analysis what does it mean to dream of airplanes bombing you

 If you listen to the podcast you will hear this dream and hear how people voted in the latest haunted hour poll and listen to some haunting tweets.

If you have a dream you want analyzed or a paranormal story you want to share please email me at

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This weeks dream... from Sam


 I dreamed last night of a bunch of white planes, red stripes on the wings, flying over my house. It’s started out as one then multiplied. I could hear and see them dropping missiles down. My dad threw me on the ground and was trying to shield me and I had my baby shielding him and I could hear the wind of the missile hitting the ground. Bright orange lighting up behind me. I then ran in my house, only to look out the window and see another plane circle around and drop another that came through my house and destroyed my roof in that spot and my kitchen. I avoiding being hit that time. Then another was dropped and got stuck by my roof. 

 Dream Analysis (Dream Story)

With my intuition, motivation I desire to assert myself with great passion and emotional power for inspiration. With my desire for freedom I am conscious that I have much responsibility. I need to find balance in my life.  As I  become a new person I reveal a new part of my personality that I was not aware of. I should not neglect my self care and protect my life force, energy and strength. I need to prepare for the future. 


Cards I pulled from the dream oracle deck

Mountain = obstacle

Dogs = loyalty family

Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...