Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Setting dream intentions during the full moon

 Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intention setting for a full moon. 


Setting dream intentions during the full moon can be a powerful way to tap into heightened energy for spiritual growth and self-discovery. Here are five dream intentions you can set:

1. Clarity on Life Path:
   - "I intend to receive guidance through my dreams on my true life purpose and the next steps I should take."
2. Healing Old Wounds:
   - "I set the intention to dream of releasing past emotional trauma or unresolved pain and allow healing energy to flow into my subconscious."

3. Connecting with Spirit Guides:
   - "I intend to connect with my spirit guides or ancestors in my dreams to receive wisdom, protection, or messages for my journey."

4. Manifesting Abundance:
   - "I set the intention to dream of aligning my energy with abundance, attracting prosperity and opportunities into my waking life."

5. Lucid Dreaming for Self-Discovery:
   - "I intend to become lucid in my dreams and explore my subconscious, discovering hidden aspects of myself that need attention or growth."

These intentions can help align your dream state with the transformative energy of the full moon, opening pathways to personal insight and spiritual development.


Stay tuned I have some great things coming!

Sunday, March 31, 2024

Common experiences, causes and how to wake from Sleep Paralysis


Sleep Paralysis is a haunting encounter that leaves a permanent mark on those who experience it. I vividly recall one severe episode that has haunted my thoughts for years. But it’s not an isolated incident; throughout my life, I’ve encountered milder versions of this eerie phenomenon. In this blog post, I aim to shed light on sleep paralysis, unravel its mysteries, and offer insights to those who grapple with its unsettling grip. Let’s explore the world of sleep paralysis and discover what lies beyond the veil of wakefulness.

Common hallucinations during sleep paralysis:

During sleep paralysis, people often experience vivid and sometimes terrifying hallucinations. These hallucinations can vary widely, but here are some common themes:

 1. Intruders or Presence: Many individuals report sensing a malevolent presence in the room. It might feel like someone is watching or approaching them. This sensation can be distressing. 

 2. Shadow Figures: Dark, shadowy figures or silhouettes are frequently seen during sleep paralysis. These figures may move around the room or even approach the bed.

 3. Alien Abductions: Some individuals describe alien encounters or abduction scenarios. They may see extraterrestrial beings standing near the bed. 

 4. Floating or Out-of-Body Sensations: Some individuals feel like they are floating above their own bodies or having an out-of-body experience. 

 5. Visual Distortions: The environment may appear distorted or surreal. Colors might be intense, and objects may seem to warp or shift.

6. Insects or Animals: Hallucinations of bugs, spiders, or other creatures crawling on the body or walls are not uncommon. 

7. Auditory Hallucinations: Along with visual experiences, people may hear strange sounds, whispers, or even loud screams. 

8. Pressure on Chest: Some people feel pressure on their chest, as if an unseen force is holding them down. This sensation can lead to feelings of suffocation.

Remember that these hallucinations are a result of the brain’s transition between sleep and wakefulness. While they can be frightening, understanding their origin can help alleviate anxiety associated with sleep paralysis. If you are concerned or this happens often consult your doctor.

Some causes of Sleep Paralysis:

 1. Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep Stage: During REM sleep, you experience most of your dreams. To prevent acting out these dreams and potentially hurting yourself, your brain inhibits muscle movement. Sleep paralysis occurs when you regain awareness while transitioning into or out of sleep. 

 2. Narcolepsy: Recurrent sleep paralysis is often associated with narcolepsy, a disorder characterized by unstable sleep-wake boundaries. People with narcolepsy frequently awaken during the night, which can be linked to sleep paralysis. 

3. Other Factors: - Shift Work: Irregular sleep schedules due to shift work or changing sleep patterns can contribute to sleep paralysis. 

Sleep Deprivation: Lack of sufficient sleep can increase the likelihood of experiencing sleep paralysis. 

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: This condition, where breathing is disrupted during sleep, may be associated with sleep paralysis. - 

Stress and Anxiety: Increased stress levels can play a role. 

Alcohol Use: Excessive alcohol consumption might contribute. 

Traumatic Events: Having experienced trauma, such as abuse, could be a factor.

Genetics: Some studies suggest a genetic link to sleep paralysis If you are concerned or this happens often consult your doctor.


 A few tips to wake ease out of the experience:

1. Stay Calm: Remind yourself that sleep paralysis is temporary and harmless. Panic can intensify the sensation. Focus on staying calm.

2. Control Your Breathing:

    - Take slow, deep breaths. This can help reduce feelings of suffocation.

    - Try to move your fingers or toes gently. Gradually, this may help break the paralysis.

3. Focus on Small Movements:

    - Start by wiggling your toes or fingers. These subtle movements can signal your brain that you're awake.

    - Gradually attempt to move larger muscle groups.

4. Shift Your Attention:

    - Instead of fixating on the hallucinations or the feeling of being trapped, try to shift your attention elsewhere.

    - Think about a positive memory or imagine yourself in a peaceful place.

5. Visualize Movement:

    - Mentally picture yourself moving. Imagine getting up, sitting, or standing.

    - Visualization can sometimes translate into actual movement.

6. Attempt to Speak:

    - While it's challenging, try to whisper or murmur. Vocalizing can help break the paralysis.

    - Focus on saying a simple word or phrase.


7. Focus on Blinking:

    - Blink your eyes rapidly. This can signal your brain that you're awake.

    - Sometimes, opening your eyes during sleep paralysis can end the episode.

8. Sleep Hygiene:

    - Maintain a regular sleep schedule.

    - Create a comfortable sleep environment.

    - Avoid caffeine and heavy meals before bedtime.

9. Seek Professional Help:

    - If sleep paralysis is frequent or distressing, consult a healthcare provider.

    - They can rule out any underlying conditions and provide guidance.


Friday, March 15, 2024

My Dream and Interpretation about Death

 Dream journal entry: My Dream


In the heart of the bustling city, I found solace in the cozy embrace of a coffee shop where laughter and conversation filled the air like the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. My friend awaited me in a booth, surrounded by the warmth of a brick wall and the inviting wooden seats with a touch of mystery in their black vinyl or leather covering. The soft coffee shop lighting created a soothing atmosphere.

As we exchanged greetings, I shared an unexpected revelation with my friend—I had given away my Ouija board to a thrift shop, a place that also doubled as a coffee haven. It felt liberating, a gesture of passing on something mysterious and perhaps a little unsettling to a new home.

My attention then shifted to a woman emerging from a door, donned in a grey sweatshirt with the tag still dangling. Strangely, I realized I owned the same shirt. A connection formed, however fleeting, as we prepared to depart. Yet, our exit was halted by the diligent waitress, who pointed out the tag held in place by a safety pin on the woman's ill-fitted sweatshirt.

Protesting the unfairness of the situation, I suddenly found myself submerged in waist-deep water just outside the coffee shop. The surroundings were dark, and confusion enveloped me as various objects floated by. In the distance, a man and a cat struggled to navigate the water, prompting me to realize that this was a treacherous path, where the lost journeyed to the city.

In a surreal twist, awareness dawned upon me—I was no longer alive. Somehow, I found myself confined to a coffin, having been dead for 16 days. As they prepared to exhume my body, a surge of relief washed over me at the prospect of fresh air. Yet, in a macabre twist, I pulled the covers over my decomposing face to shield myself from the scrutiny of the living.

The realization of my transformation unfolded, and I became engulfed in an unsettling void, unable to see or comprehend my surroundings. Fear crept in, but amidst the darkness, a subtle voice echoed—a whisper of healing and regeneration. In the silence, a journey began, transcending the boundaries of life and death, offering a chance for newfound understanding and tranquility in the infinite unknown.


So what does this mean?


Well some version of myself has died off and I am aware of it.  I have made a video with my dream and interpretation.  

Friday, February 2, 2024

5 Dreams That May Be a Warning


Dreams are a fascinating and mysterious part of our lives. While some dreams are simply a reflection of our daily experiences, others can be more complex and meaningful. Here are five types of dreams that are often considered to be a warning:


1. Nightmares: These are dreams that are scary or disturbing. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as watching a horror movie before bed or experiencing anxiety or stress. Nightmares can be a warning sign that you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about something in your life. Ask yourself what in your life is causing so much stress.


2. Teeth falling out: This is a common dream that can be interpreted in different ways. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of financial trouble or a loss of power. Others believe that it is a sign of insecurity or a fear of aging. Are you insecure about something? Are you concerned about money or aging. Look at the other dream symbols in your dream if you are unsure.


3. Being chased: This is another common dream that can be interpreted in different ways. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a threat or danger in your life. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of being pursued. Is there something in your life that you are doing that is dangerous? It can be subtle like diet or using Facebook at work. Your subconscious may be telling you something.


4. Falling: This is a dream that many people have experienced at some point in their lives. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a loss of control or a fear of failure. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of change. This is a common dream and generally means you feel like things are out of control. Is there something in your life that you feel a lack of control? What else is happening in your dream?


5. Death: This is a dream that can be very unsettling. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a major change or transition in your life. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of the unknown. This is when you really need to decide what is going on in your waking life. Is it time to let something go or make a change. Are you experiencing big changes out of your control and you need to make peace with it.


It's important to remember that dreams are highly personal and can be interpreted in many different ways. While some people believe that dreams can be a warning sign of something in your life, others believe that they are simply a reflection of your subconscious thoughts and feelings. If you are curious about the meaning of your dreams, it may be helpful to seek a dream interpretation. Visit my website for more information.



Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...