Friday, March 15, 2024

My Dream and Interpretation about Death

 Dream journal entry: My Dream


In the heart of the bustling city, I found solace in the cozy embrace of a coffee shop where laughter and conversation filled the air like the comforting aroma of freshly brewed coffee. My friend awaited me in a booth, surrounded by the warmth of a brick wall and the inviting wooden seats with a touch of mystery in their black vinyl or leather covering. The soft coffee shop lighting created a soothing atmosphere.

As we exchanged greetings, I shared an unexpected revelation with my friend—I had given away my Ouija board to a thrift shop, a place that also doubled as a coffee haven. It felt liberating, a gesture of passing on something mysterious and perhaps a little unsettling to a new home.

My attention then shifted to a woman emerging from a door, donned in a grey sweatshirt with the tag still dangling. Strangely, I realized I owned the same shirt. A connection formed, however fleeting, as we prepared to depart. Yet, our exit was halted by the diligent waitress, who pointed out the tag held in place by a safety pin on the woman's ill-fitted sweatshirt.

Protesting the unfairness of the situation, I suddenly found myself submerged in waist-deep water just outside the coffee shop. The surroundings were dark, and confusion enveloped me as various objects floated by. In the distance, a man and a cat struggled to navigate the water, prompting me to realize that this was a treacherous path, where the lost journeyed to the city.

In a surreal twist, awareness dawned upon me—I was no longer alive. Somehow, I found myself confined to a coffin, having been dead for 16 days. As they prepared to exhume my body, a surge of relief washed over me at the prospect of fresh air. Yet, in a macabre twist, I pulled the covers over my decomposing face to shield myself from the scrutiny of the living.

The realization of my transformation unfolded, and I became engulfed in an unsettling void, unable to see or comprehend my surroundings. Fear crept in, but amidst the darkness, a subtle voice echoed—a whisper of healing and regeneration. In the silence, a journey began, transcending the boundaries of life and death, offering a chance for newfound understanding and tranquility in the infinite unknown.


So what does this mean?


Well some version of myself has died off and I am aware of it.  I have made a video with my dream and interpretation.  

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Exploring the Mysteries of Ouija Boards: A Podcast Episode with Bill Bryan


New HauntedHour Episode!

 Bio: The Empty Casket Talking Board Museum seeks to educate the masses on the turbulent history of the world's most recognizeable tool for speaking with the other side...the Talking Board. From its modest origins in rural Ohio, through its many legal battles, its dark reputation, and on to today's love of the enigmatic board. We work to dispell the myths and superstitions wrought by the satanic panic, and reveal it's magestry and power.



 In the latest episode of HauntedHour Podcast:

  I dive into the captivating realm of Ouija boards with a special guest, Bill Bryan, of Empty Casket and curator of his Traveling Talking Board Museum. This intriguing conversation promises to unravel the interesting history, dispel myths, and explore the cultural significance surrounding these mystical devices.

Unveiling the Origins

Ever wondered about the origins of the Ouija board? Bill takes us through time, seeking answers to questions like who burnt the first Ouija board and why? Through meticulous research and historical insights, he sheds light on the fascinating origins of this iconic tool of divination.

Debunking Myths: Are Ouija Boards Evil?

One of the most enduring myths surrounding Ouija boards is their purported connection to evil spirits and the occult. Bill Bryan shares his expertise and experiences, addressing the age-old question: Are Ouija boards inherently malevolent? Listeners are in for a thought-provoking exploration as they uncover the truth behind the misconceptions surrounding these mystical artifacts.

The Evolution and Diversity of Ouija Boards

From vintage classics to modern renditions, Ouija boards come in various shapes, sizes, and designs. Bill takes us into the rich tapestry of Ouija board history, discussing the evolution of designs, materials used, and the cultural influences that have shaped these intriguing objects. Whether it's the intricately crafted boards of the past or contemporary interpretations, each iteration tells a unique story.

Lights, Camera, Ouija: Movies Featuring Ouija Boards

Ouija boards have long captured the imagination of filmmakers, serving as central motifs in countless horror movies and thrillers. We explore the cinematic portrayal of Ouija boards, discussing  films and their impact on popular culture. What movie is Bills Favorite?

The Empty Casket Talking Board Museum: A Hidden Gem

Bill Bryan's dedication to preserving Ouija board history culminates in the Empty Casket and His Traveling Ouija Board Museum, a treasure trove of  exquisite boards. I wanted to highlight the significance of this unique museum, inviting listeners on a fascinating journey through time and explore the mystic allure of Ouija boards. Whether visiting in person or exploring the online collection, enthusiasts are guaranteed an unforgettable experience.


This is my talking board that Bill made



Friday, February 9, 2024

Sleep Inertia: How to Combat Morning Grogginess




Sleep inertia the groggy feeling that envelops us upon waking is a phenomenon familiar to many. Picture this: the alarm blares, you pry open your eyes, and your brain stumbles out of its cozy slumber. But instead of feeling refreshed, you're met with a mental fog akin to trying to solve a Rubik's Cube underwater. I myself experience this!  Fear not! We're here to unravel the mysteries of sleep inertia and equip ourselves with strategies to conquer it.


 What Is Sleep Inertia?


Sleep inertia is that disorienting, drowsy state that clings to you like a stubborn cobweb when you wake up. It's like your brain hit the snooze button while your body catapulted into the day. Here are the key takeaways:


1. Duration: Sleep inertia typically lasts between 15 to 60 minutes, but in some cases, it can linger for a few hours after waking.

2. Cause: The exact biological trigger remains unknown, but researchers suspect it's a protective mechanism that keeps us anchored to sleep during unexpected awakenings.

3.Impact: Morning grogginess can impair cognitive function, reaction time, and decision-making. Imagine trying to text while wearing mittens—it's that kind of mental haze. 

4. According to Doctors it is a natural occurrence.

 Symptoms of Sleep Inertia


When you emerge from sleep, watch out for these telltale signs of sleep inertia:


1. Grogginess: You feel like you're a zombie from the walking dead.

2. Yearning for More Sleep: Your inner voice whispers, "Just five more minutes, please!"

3. Cognitive Hiccups: Decision-making becomes a game of roulette, and your memory plays hide-and-seek. Have you ever made coffee and forgot to put a cup in the Keurig (big damn mess)

4. Visual Attention Woes: Your focus is like walking through the fog.

5. Spatial Memory Mix-ups: Suddenly, your room layout feels like a maze.  I trip over things most in the morning.


 Causes of Sleep Inertia


While the exact cause remains unknown, scientists have a couple of theories:


1. Delta Waves: These slow, rhythmic brain waves (think of them as the lullabies of sleep) might be the culprits. Imagine waking up mid-lullaby—your brain stumbles, and voilà, sleep inertia.

2. Abrupt Awakening: Ever been jolted awake by an alarm? Your brain might still be in "sleep mode," frantically searching for the off switch.


 Taming the Sleep Inertia Beast


Fear not, weary traveler! Here are some strategies to tame the groggy dragon:


1. Consistent Wake-Up Times: Train your body to expect the morning bugle call at the same hour each day.

2. Sunlight Exposure: Let natural light flood your room. It's like a gentle nudge to your brain: "Hey, rise and shine!"

3. Gentle Alarms: Swap that blaring alarm setting for a soothing chime. Your brain will thank you. If you wake up the same time everyday you don't even need an alarm once you train your mind.

4. Hydrate: A glass of water kick starts your system like jumper cables on a sleepy car battery. This has really helped me.

5. Move Around: Stretch, dance, or do a little jig. Physical activity helps shake off the inertia. I also do stretches first thing just a couple of quick ones. Think of your cat or dog that is the first thing they do.

 6. I also will use my time remembering my dreams and documenting them. The practice of journaling my dreams and drinking coffee for about 15 minutes really brings me out of this groggy state. 

Sleep inertia isn't permanent — try one of the above techniques. If you find yourself battling it regularly, consult a sleep doctor. They'll decipher if any underlying sleep disorders are pulling the strings.

 So, next time you wake up feeling like a foggy sloth, know that you're not alone. Many of us experience it, but with some changes you can regain your ability to wake up with a sharper mind. 



1. [Sleep Foundation](

2. [Rise Science](

3. [Calm Blog](

Sunday, February 4, 2024

New Dream Experiment: Find your Dream Talisman




Have you ever wanted to travel the realms of your subconscious, to wander through the landscapes of dreams with clarity and purpose? If so, then the concept of a dream talisman may hold the key to unlocking the depths of your slumbering mind.

How to: As you fall asleep each night, pause for a moment and set an intention a simple yet important request. Ask the universe, your subconscious, spirit guide etc. to reveal to you a dream talisman, an object imbued with the power to bridge the gap between wakefulness and the realm of dreams.

As you fall asleep, keep this request echoing softly in your mind. Trust in the universe's ability to respond to your call, for dreams are the whispered language of the cosmos, and every whispered wish carries the potential to manifest.

Upon awakening, allow your senses to guide you as you begin a quest within the waking world. Seek out the dream talisman that has been bestowed upon you, whether it be hidden within the confines of your home or waiting patiently upon a store shelf, eager to catch your eye.

Once you hold the talisman in your hands, let its presence serve as a tether between the realms of waking and dreaming. Gaze upon it throughout the day, whispering to yourself: "Am I awake, or am I dreaming?"

Document your dreams for when the talisman manifests within your dream, when it moves in a manner that defies the laws of waking reality, you will know with certainty that you stand upon the threshold of lucidity. The talisman will be your guide, your beacon amidst the shifting sands of dreams, leading you towards a state of consciousness where anything is possible.


How to share: This can help you lucid dream and help you remember your dreams. Please let us know what your talisman is, where you found it and if it appears in your dreams. 

I myself tried this and at first did not think I found one. As I thought about my dream I remembered fanning out playing cards and see the 2's now I have to find the cards. 

If you would like to share your experience for the next The Awakening please send to Myself or Dani a picture, a story or a dream.

This was inspired by a post I read

Friday, February 2, 2024

5 Dreams That May Be a Warning


Dreams are a fascinating and mysterious part of our lives. While some dreams are simply a reflection of our daily experiences, others can be more complex and meaningful. Here are five types of dreams that are often considered to be a warning:


1. Nightmares: These are dreams that are scary or disturbing. They can be caused by a variety of factors, such as watching a horror movie before bed or experiencing anxiety or stress. Nightmares can be a warning sign that you are feeling overwhelmed or anxious about something in your life. Ask yourself what in your life is causing so much stress.


2. Teeth falling out: This is a common dream that can be interpreted in different ways. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of financial trouble or a loss of power. Others believe that it is a sign of insecurity or a fear of aging. Are you insecure about something? Are you concerned about money or aging. Look at the other dream symbols in your dream if you are unsure.


3. Being chased: This is another common dream that can be interpreted in different ways. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a threat or danger in your life. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of being pursued. Is there something in your life that you are doing that is dangerous? It can be subtle like diet or using Facebook at work. Your subconscious may be telling you something.


4. Falling: This is a dream that many people have experienced at some point in their lives. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a loss of control or a fear of failure. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of change. This is a common dream and generally means you feel like things are out of control. Is there something in your life that you feel a lack of control? What else is happening in your dream?


5. Death: This is a dream that can be very unsettling. Some people believe that it is a warning sign of a major change or transition in your life. Others believe that it is a sign of anxiety or a fear of the unknown. This is when you really need to decide what is going on in your waking life. Is it time to let something go or make a change. Are you experiencing big changes out of your control and you need to make peace with it.


It's important to remember that dreams are highly personal and can be interpreted in many different ways. While some people believe that dreams can be a warning sign of something in your life, others believe that they are simply a reflection of your subconscious thoughts and feelings. If you are curious about the meaning of your dreams, it may be helpful to seek a dream interpretation. Visit my website for more information.



Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...