Friday, January 28, 2022

Haunted Hour poll a ghost story and a double dream analysis

 If you listen to the podcast you will hear...

A new ghost story or a real paranormal experience my friends sister had and I have a repetitive dream analysis.

See how people voted in the latest haunted hour poll and hear some haunting tweets.

If you have a dream you want analyzed or a paranormal story you want to share please email me at

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This week we have two dreams.  

Dream 1

I was in a crowded area like a mall everyone was going in a different direction than I was. I ended up outside the skies were dusty the ground dirt and I could hear the crunching of gravel and dirt as I walked. People were all going in mostly the same direction walking I was observing or with two gruff men that were breaking into old truck like a vintage broken down one. They were talking about revenge or getting something back that was theirs. They were talking about another person saying it took him three years to get his life back. Then some lady was talking shit to me that I would be killed she ran ahead of me I could see her and then a giant horned beast stood before her. I woke up. 


Analysis (Dream Story) 


With a need for space I have ideas. I take a different path. I have problems and difficulties that I make an effort to overcome. My power, ambitions, my repressed bitterness, my past , present and future. My ideas are coming to fruition. I need to pay attention to my intuition. 

Dream 2

 I am standing in a room lit by candles with two other people a symbol is on the floor we stand around. Behind each of us is a very tall horned beast. They want me to do a ritual. I woke up. 

Analysis (Dream Story) 

With personal boundaries I see a path to enlightenment. With a solid foundation and a need for perfection I need to have faith in the universe. I need to pay attention to my intuition. I evoke the sacred within myself. 

Stones I chose

*Celestite, also known as Celestine, is a mineral that forms blue crystals. Celestite is often associated with divine power and is thought to increase understanding, higher consciousness, as well as mindfulness when used in meditation and prayer.


Rock I collected from the beach which represents adventure and possibilities

*Red Selenite Selenite is like liquid light. Its striations are pathways for the illuminated substance of spirit. It strengthens, energizes and channels high frequency energy. It vibrates more on the spiritual level than on the physical. Selenite shows us the flexibility of our nature and the strength of our decisions. We can see through to the depth and meaning to what is happening within our life. Selenite teaches us that all things are possible here on earth. Selenite's essence is that of which dreams and visions are made. 

*To read the entire explanation check out  Song of Stones site


Some dream symbols


Crowd - need for space

Mall - choices ideas

dusty sky - problems

crunch - effort to overcome difficulty 

revenge - repressed bitterness


room - personal boundaries

candle light - path to enlightenment 



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