Showing posts with label Dream Symbols. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream Symbols. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

Shadows in the Glass Tower

 Dream journal entry: My Dream

As the day waned into evening, a sense of unease settled over me like a heavy fog. It all began harmless enough—I had promised to accompany a friend to the dentist, a routine errand that should have been straightforward. Little did I know that the mundane would soon give way to the eerie and unsettling.

Before heading to the dentist, I made a brief stop at an auto dealer, drawn by the allure of shiny new cars. As I wandered the lot, contemplating the prospect of a fresh set of wheels, a nagging voice reminded me of the steady progress I'd made in paying off my current vehicle. With a reluctant sigh, I abandoned the allure of the new and returned to the task at hand.

But that detour cost me precious time, and soon I found myself rushing to gather the necessary items for the dentist appointment. My friend, ever patient, suggested postponing the visit, but I brushed off the idea, citing the distance we had traveled. It was then that I realized with a sinking feeling—I had left my glasses behind.

Without my glasses, driving became an impossibility, especially as the sun dipped lower in the sky, hinting at the encroaching darkness. Panic threatened to take hold as I contemplated my options. A hotel seemed like a temporary solution, but I lacked the essentials to care for a child who accompanied us.

Desperation led me to a nearby medical building, its sleek glass facade towering ominously against the fading light. Though the sight initially offered a sense of respite, I couldn't shake the growing dread that accompanied the approaching nightfall.

Inside, I stumbled upon a table occupied by a group of women, their voices hushed in conversation. A lone man caught my attention as he peered through a high window, his gaze unsettling in its intensity. With a subtle gesture, he beckoned one of the women to join him, igniting a storm of anger in her wake.

Caught in the midst of this strange scene, I couldn't shake the feeling that something sinister lurked just beyond the edge of perception. As darkness descended, casting long shadows across the grassy expanse, I couldn't help but wonder—what other mysteries lay concealed in the veil of night?

Monday, January 22, 2024

5 Dreams That May Indicate Reincarnation


 Dreams have long been a source of fascination for many of us. While some dismiss them as random images from our subconscious, others believe that dreams offer glimpses into deeper realms of existence, including the possibility of reincarnation. In this blog post, we will explore five types of dreams that, may indicate a connection to a past life.

  1. Vivid Historical Dreams: One common experience reported by individuals who believe in reincarnation is the occurrence of vivid dreams set in historical periods. These dreams are incredibly detailed, transporting the dreamer to a specific time and place. If you find yourself dreaming of life in a past era with startling clarity, it might be a sign that your soul is showing you a past life.

  2. Familiar Faces and Places: Encountering familiar people and places in your dreams that you've never encountered in your current life. These dreams may involve interactions with people who feel like long-lost friends or family members, despite having no connection to your present reality. If you consistently dream of people and locations that seem oddly familiar, it could be a hint at a previous life.

  3. Unresolved Issues and Lessons: Some believe that recurring dreams centered around unresolved issues or lessons from past lives may be indicative of reincarnation. These dreams often involve challenging situations or relationships that mirror struggles faced in a previous existence. Exploring these dreams with a reflective mindset may offer insights into the lessons your soul is meant to learn across lifetimes.

  4. Symbolic Animal or Object Dreams: In various cultures, animals and objects are believed to carry symbolic meanings that extend beyond the physical realm. Dreams featuring specific animals or objects may be interpreted as messages from a past life. For instance, encountering a particular animal like a peacock, associated with pride could signify the qualities your soul has carried over from a previous life.

  5. Death and Rebirth Imagery: Dreams involving themes of death and rebirth are often considered significant in the context of reincarnation. These dreams may not be literal predictions of future events but could symbolize the cyclical nature of existence. If you find yourself experiencing dreams where you undergo profound transformations or witness powerful symbolism of death and rebirth, it may be worth contemplating their deeper implications.

Dreams can mean many things. Take the time to write out your dreams and analyze them. This post is meant to provoke thought and interest about our Dream world.

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Dream Experiment: Connecting with my doll through dreaming: Some of the dreams and findings


I am excited to share my latest dream experiment and results. If you missed the Awakening and the discussion you can see that here. If you don't know about the dream experiment you can read about it here.

In this experiment, participants were asked to spend time before sleeping focusing on Anna Mae doll, who appears to interact with the dream world. Participants were then asked to report their dreams in the morning.

Experiment Results:


Number of Participants who sent in a dream: 11


Meaning of Experiment: To connect with Anna Mae and the objects on the table, to see if any shadows appear on video during this experiment.


Top Common Symbols: Green, car, red and farm


Experiences: I had some odd experiences during the experiment, including a one dreamer connecting all the dots and another dreamer receiving a Thank you.

My experiences


At 1:11 I heard a woman firmly say Out! Voice sounded like it was coming from my office.


1:52 I heard a noise in my office like someone moving around and moving things.


2:14 I had a dream someone told me they lost the connection.


Sometime before 5am dream a man told me he was not sure if the door would shut and was afraid to go through I told him just put your sheet in the doorway so it doesn’t shut!


 Denise had some conversation with Anna Mae and she Denise noticed a red match box car next to Anna Mae only Anna Mae told her she liked the green car better or the car in green better.

 So I had horrific nightmares for two nights after experiment my husband said why not give Anna Mae a green car.. so I did and my nightmares and disturbed sleep stopped.

 Dani Saw a White Thank you note with black maybe that was the Zenner card a star can be a way to show recognition or to thank someone.She heard a woman say Thank you.

 I think two people heard my TV on in the background Justin and Denise.

 Rob seeing a shadow was possibly Anna Mae he described how to get to her exactly, the 9 was an alert to end the session, or wake up.

Most common group symbols:


 So many people dreamed of green, green lights, green snakes, green cars, green the color. How they made the connection:


The green thread: symbolizes the essence inherent in all life, which builds and enlivens every form in permanently increasing circles – from the single particle to the endless dimension of the universe – from matter to the energetic vibration – from the past to the present, into the future – into infinity


Green *******


Car ****


The country or a farm *****


Red ******


Relevant dream symbols to the objects.


Car: Sam, Denise, Bill,


Triangle: Rob who also seemed to experience the layout of the room and possibly run into Anna Mae as a shadow figure.


Room itself: Rob and Justin


Zenner Card Star: Dani saw a Thank you note white with black.


People who interacted with Anna Mae Directly: Dani, Rob, Mallory and Denise.



 Scary things that happened:

Rob ran into a shadow person leaving the dream and woke up screaming

Elvis was fighting off possibly the connection of the green string (snakes in his dream)

A few of the dreams: or part of them




Rob: I was in a house that did not belong to me but I was supposed to be there – I was invited.


I remember being there with somebody, but I do not remember who. I am fairly certain we were called in to investigate. Most of the details are muddy or lost but….


There was a cardboard banker’s box with somebody’s personal effects. In the box was a toy soldier, a small clock, and a small jewelry box along with an old magazine or two.  The jewelry box was gray with a triangle on it. Not sure why it was important. I remember it smelling like band-aids.


I put everything into the box and was told (not sure but who) to bring it to the “back room”.


This room was at the end of a long hallway off of the kitchen if the house. I turned left to enter the room and placed the box on a desk. The desk also had a pen, and some kind of rock on it. I turned to walk out and I ran right into woman, crazy shadow figure looking thing with crazy as she was coming into the room. It scared me so badly that I literally woke up screaming.


 Dream Pt. 2 : Sunday NIGHT – please note that I wasn’t feeling well.


 This dream, I believe is connected.


 I found myself in a basement this time with a flashlight. I was looking for something but I do not know what.


 I kept moving boxes and there were spiders that had me freaked out so I grabbed a weird looking stuffed animal that might have been a dog to shoo the spiders away.


 When I did – the flashlight started dimming and I started to panic. I grabbed my phone to get the flashlight ready and the number 9 kept coming up on the screen – it wouldn’t let me unlock the phone. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder and I woke up. 


*The number 9 in my dream book symbolizes saying goodbye an ending.



when I focused on AnnaMae, there was a strong color of green that came through. Now I didn’t see anything or anyone when I was seeing the color, just the color itself. Also, I did visualize a car? lol I don’t why, I couldn’t make out the make/model or year of the car but I could see it was a vehicle and it was a car not an SUV. Idk what all that means. As I said I didn’t see a person specifically just there was a car that came after seeing the color green. I hope this resonates somewhere lol



 I honestly felt as though the images were coming to me right as I drifted off to sleep, like, it didn't feel like it was a full blow dream (I don't know how else to explain how it felt...but I mean, I was asleep, so it had to be a dream.) There was no real story line to anything, just pictures of things popping up out of nowhere.


 all of this happened in a black void...nothing around, no walls, no ceiling, no sound, no scenery...kind of like it was happening in a black hole or space or something.


 first there was this bright green flash (it sort of reminded me of when you walk in front of a green laser grid that's fully charged. The flash sort of spotlighted, moving from my right and arching over to the left and then it was gone...


 right after that, I heard a female voice (almost robotic, as though maybe it was computer generated, but not fully) say Thank you. and then there is this card that says thank you on's a white card, folded horizontally with the words Thank You in black. The card never opens and disappears shortly after it appears.


 after the card, there is a rocking chair, or maybe even just an old farmhouse kitchen chair. I never saw the bottom half of it, but it was like an old fashioned wooden chair with the slats on the back, there was a green and bluish hue around the chair, and I faintly remember white paint chips on it, as though all the paint had fallen off and you could see the natural wood with some sparce  paint chips still clinging on for dear life.


 and that's it, that's all I remember......on the drive in to work, the voice that said thank you and the vision of the card came back to me, and so I took that as a que to Thank Anna Mae, and so I thanked her for any connections she may have provided.





 Well, I gave it the old try to connect with Anna Mae. Since she was familiar with me all ready it was half in half out. Is best as I can say.


She came to me first. She must have been aware I was trying to connect with her. Warm presence. Didn’t feel anything negative when she paid me a visit.


I saw her in dim lit room. Thank you for that by the way. Saw her sitting on a table between two what looked to be book shelves with a picture hanging above her.


Wasn’t quite able to make the picture out. Just saw it hanging above her. Walls must have been a light greyish colour. Usually if I go to a place that has white ones. You can really see the white.


Heard what must have been a spirit box on. There was lots of echo in the background. Wasn’t able to make out the objects around her, but if they were crystals.


 Colours I did see, were violet. Did see yellow. T


Turquoise Blue. The Turquoise blue, was in the shape of a plant to me for some reason. After that, I ended up coming back here for a bit, before I ended up going to check on my usual person :).




Sunday January 14, 2024, 9:45pm - Immediately when looking at the doll while doing a screen shot so I have easy access before bed, I'm reminded of my grandma and a doll she had. I also see a can of vegetables with a vintage looking label. Reminds me of the sun-made raisin label, but I see more green than the red and yellow or the sun-made.


Monday 12am - Before bed - reminding me to look at the doll and I began to get Fourth of July and Americana imagery, rockets, fireworks, Midwest farm imagery... The farm in Captain Marvel or Avengers.




I tried the Anna Mae dream experiment and my dream I was her and I was walking through a field of Sun flowers. I had a gold bracelet on and the sun was setting. I did not have anyone else in the dream but me. I was also carrying a journal and camera. I found a patch of flowers and would lay down documenting my day and also snapping photos of the flowers. That is pretty much what my dream consisted of.




 In the dream I bought a late 90s black Porsche Boxster convertible for $898.  I bought it to be a project car because I wanted to rekindle the fun of working on cars (in real life I used to love working on cars, but in the last few years I started hating it).  I was thinking about lifting the car and painting it green.


In the dream I worked next to a franchised mechanic (like Tire Choice or Firestone).  I left my truck and the Boxster there to get inspected.  My truck was the same truck I really have, but silver.  My actual truck was silver when I bought it, but last year I painted it black.


During the day I forgot to bring the keys of either car over to the mechanic, so at the end of the day I brought them over.  They would need my truck overnight, so I just had them work on the boxster.  This led to some ribbing from some employees about the Boxster being a "girls car".


Everyone was wearing black shirts.  I feel like the color black was important.  (the main colors of the mechanic were red and blue).


There was also a blonde walking around.  Everytime she would walk by the employees would stop talking to watch her.  I never got to see her face.  As I am writing this, I wonder if that was meant to represent you, since it is your experiment.


This all took place on a sunny day.  It was in New York (which is where I work), but honestly felt like California.


Another thing that just jumped in my head as I write this...Barbie's car in the 90s was based off the Boxster.  That coupled with the blonde walking around, I wonder if  Anna Mae is sitting next to a Barbie car.





So it was very chaotic every time I was in. Music playing, lots of voices..not overwhelming or uncomfortable just very busy. The song in the background was a country song Swinging..but it was the cover version by the Mavericks. For some reason that was important that it was the Maverick version that has a big band type feel to it. The name Charlotte was popping up a lot and the apple of my eye part of the song. Again though the emphasis was on the booming bass/big band type- someone really likes that sound. A bridge…nothing happened on the bridge but every time the doll or people go over it it’s a nervous feeling- it goes over land not water..a deep ravine/gully. Gorgeous in the fall with the colored leaves but it makes folks nervous . The color red..spicy, peppery. I see a little car- like an old fashioned matchbox . The doll says she liked “it when it was the green color better” but I’m not sure what she meant by that.She appeared to be looking out towards a hall or little alcove when she said it but she liked the green better than the orangy/reddish? around 4:12 am there should be a shadow forming/ a darkening occurring near the doll to her left side it won’t move like a shadow’ll just start to darken there and if you blow it up and look close you’ll see a quick fleck of light- almost like the tiniest piece of glitter




Friday, January 5, 2024

Dreams of Winning The Lottery

 Someone sent a dream in recently and it was about winning the lottery. Unfortunately the person was having trouble signing the ticket and finding his spouse! In this dream it actually represented financial stress. 

What are some other possible meanings for the lottery

1. You are ready to take a big risk in life. Is there something you want to do is it a big risk? Look at your dream how does it turn out? It may give you insight to know if you are prepared to take this risk now.

2. You are going through big changes in life. Are you moving or changing jobs? How did the lottery turn out in your dream. See where I am going with these symbols?

3. You have hidden assets or talents you are not using. Is your dream telling you that you already have a wealth of talent and you need to use it?

4. You need to take advantage of an opportunity. Are you deciding on some offer? Look at your dream to see what you think subconsciously about this opportunity.

Have you had a dream about the lottery? 

It's important to note that dream interpretation is highly subjective, and these symbols may not universally apply to everyone. Dreams are influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and individual perspectives. 

If you would like a dream interpretation please visit my website   



Thursday, December 28, 2023

Everything Dreams 2024



Explore the fascinating and mysterious world of dreams with my latest updates and a grand relaunch of my blog. Dive into captivating dream stories designed to provoke thought and provide practical insights for you the reader.

 Immerse yourself in a collection of articles exploring various aspects of dreams, from the symbolism that arises in your nightly adventures to the impact on your health. Uncover the secrets of nightmares and more, as we dive into the realms of the subconscious mind. 

The Awakening awaits you! Join me live for a unique opportunity to understand your dreams on a deeper level. Let's embark on a journey of self-discovery as we decode the hidden messages within your dreams together.

 Seeking quick insights? I'm increasing my dream symbol shorts to offer bite-sized dream interpretations and exploring dream symbols to provide you with a better understanding of your inner world. 

 Don't miss out on the chance to unlock the mysteries of the dream world in 2024. Subscribe now for a year filled with thought-provoking content, live sessions, and valuable insights.

 To find everything dreams:


Video version  



Sunday, February 5, 2023

Dream Symbols: Water, Books, Transportation, The Beach, and Deceased People what do they mean?


 January I defined and discussed five dream symbols Water, Books, Transportation, The Beach, and Deceased People. What do they mean?


Water: is a symbol of your emotional state

Books: a search for knowledge

Transportation: The way you are making progress in your life

Beach: A need for escape 

Deceased people: unfinished business, lack of clarity in thinking, grief, and sometimes a message from beyond. 

Watch the video for a deeper look into each symbol. What dreams have you had with these symbols? 



Saturday, January 7, 2023

Dream Analysis Driving a Police Car


 If you listen to the podcast this week, you will hear the new Haunted Hour poll, have you encountered a messenger entity? Share what you experienced. Did you see them, hear them? Messengers = Angels, Mothman, Banshee etc. A recap of the last month, A dream interpretation of police and driving a police car; what does that mean? More about the symbols, insight into this dream, why you probably shouldn't sleep with your plants, and a fantastic crystal for Lucid Dreaming.



Listen on Anchor podcast or on Spotify 


 Join in on Haunted Hour chat and polls HauntedHour

To have your dream analyzed or share your paranormal story email me at


You can also leave a voice message asking about a dream symbol or comment Leave a voice message for podcast


 The Dream

 I was at some sort of apartment complex that I don’t recognize but apparently I lived there. There was something going on down at the far end unit and the police had been called. As I was looking down the alley towards their direction, I noticed an empty police car sitting in the alley. I noticed that it was blocking the alley and that the police would not be able to get through once they arrived. So I got into the empty car and moved it out of the way. Just then the real police showed up and saw me get out of the drivers seat. He started questioning me why I was in the car, instead of going down to the end of the alley to handle why he was really there. I lied to him and said I had just sat in the car. I then left and felt like I had to hide from him because I had lied. I woke up afraid.


 Dream Analysis

Someone has let you down, and there is a situation you must take care of yourself but then feel afraid of your choices. You need to be aware of using your authority in a problem. You may have to give more time, but you control your life path. 




Lady of Swords (Reversed)

Ace of Pentacles

Seven of Pentacles (Reversed)

Don't allow bitterness to take over, continue to be generous even though the path can be unclear and challenging. Preparation is key to moving ahead for peace.



To dream about an apartment refers to your financial or emotional state.  To dream of a large and lavish apartment means that you are headed in the right direction in life. Things will improve for you. To dream of a rundown or messy apartment indicates some financial or emotional turmoil in your life


To see the police in your dream symbolizes structure, rules, power, authority and control. You need to put an end to your reckless behavior or else the law will catch up to you. Alternatively, the dream refers to failure in honoring your obligation and commitments.

To dream that you are having difficulties contacting the police  suggests that you have yet to acknowledge your own authoritativeness in a situation. You need to take control and be in command of the direction of your life.

To dream that you are pulled over by the police suggests that you need to slow down and take things down a notch. 

Police Car

To see a police car in your dream indicates that help is on the way for you. You are experiencing some inner turmoil and need intervention. 

What I was doing with my time off below 

 Podcasts and shows I was on:  

 Life of Elvis Podcast 

Edge of Reality Radio 

Incantations and Exilers 

 Articles I wrote: 

UnX Magazine 


Dream Dictionary

Best Crystals for Lucid Dreaming

Sleeping with Plants in Your Room

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dreams and the Secret Messages They Contain

This week I was a guest on  Edge of Reality Radio  with Lee Speigel. We discussed dream interpretations, secret messages trying to reach our waking selves, reoccurring dreams, extraterrestrials and dreams, and so much more.

Lee Speigel, the host of Edge Of Reality Radio, has been researching and reporting on unexplained phenomena for over 50 years. His impressive bio includes ABC, CBS, NBC, the United Nations, OMNI Magazine, AOL, The Huffington Post, and KGRA Digital Broadcast Network, to co-producing/co-writing an important 2020 UFO documentary — “The Phenomenon.” 


Tuesday, November 29, 2022

A Deep Discussion about Dreams

 This Friday, tune into the Life Of Elvis Podcast to watch Dream Interpretations With Deedee Jebrail.

 We discuss everything about Dreams, their interpretations, our dreams, and some spiritual meaning behind them. It was a great conversation. Make sure you follow this channel; he has excellent discussions with every guest sharing their struggles, moments of transformation, and setbacks, to find out how to excel in every aspect of life.

 Elvis Tadlanek, who hosts The Life Of Elvis Podcast, is a Guitarist, Bass Player, Composer, Author of the book Ascension, and a Calisthenics athlete and trainer.

 Motivational Speaker Based in Northern Sweden.

 Your link to watch  



Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...