Showing posts with label Dream phone call. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dream phone call. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2022

Dream Interpretation: A Phone Call from the Subconsious

This week if you listen to the podcast you will hear the new Haunted Hour poll What age did you have your first paranormal experience, some spooky tweets, a dream interpretation with the cards I pulled, more about the symbols, and some insight of this dream. 

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I was on a couch in an apartment, I am on the phone. I notice a kitchen it was square with yellow walls and a white refrigerator that sticks out like it doesn’t fit. I say "what do you want?" I hear "notice me!" I say "notice what?" "You are always asking me." I woke up. 


Dream Story


As I try to clear my mind and thoughts I have some emotional turmoil my subconscious is not letting me avoid. I need spiritual nourishment and/or some emotional healing. I see limitations, obstacles, and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing my progress. As I seek the truth to feel complete I must accept the fact that things are changing and that may cause me an emotional struggle.




This dream wants the dreamer to take notice that you cannot avoid life changes. It is also suggesting to deal with the emotions that come with it and that the dreamer is trying to avoid this. 


Cards I pulled:


Dream Decoder deck by Teresa Cheung 


Buildings: represent a sense of self. The main floor represents the current moment. 


Dream Interpretation oracle cards:


Strangers: threat – suppressing emotions is a threat to progress.  



Dream Symbols used in this interpretation 




 To see or dream that you are on a couch represents rest, relaxation, laziness, or boredom. It may also mean you need to clear your mind and thoughts.  




To dream about an apartment refers to your financial or emotional state. To dream of a large and lavish apartment means that you are headed in the right direction in life. Things will improve for you. To dream of a rundown or messy apartment indicates some financial or emotional turmoil in your life.




 To see or hear a telephone in your dream signifies a message from your subconscious or some sort of telepathic communication. You may be forced to confront issues that you have been avoiding. Alternatively, the telephone represents your communication and relationship with others. If there is no dial tone or the phone is left off the hook, then the dream indicates that you are shutting yourself out. You are experiencing difficulties in getting your thoughts and feelings across. To hear a dial tone in your dream means that you are receptive to new ideas and open to others' opinions. 


To dream that you do not want to return a call or answer a ringing telephone indicates a lack of communication. There is a situation or relationship that you are trying to keep at a distance. To dream that the telephone is constantly ringing means that some message is not coming through properly.


To dream that you are having a telephone conversation with someone you know signifies an issue that you need to confront with that person. This issue may have to do with letting go of some part of yourself. If you are put on hold, then the dream is a metaphor for being taken for granted or being unable to freely express yourself.




To see a kitchen in your dream signifies your need for warmth, spiritual nourishment, and/or some emotional healing. It may also symbolize the nurturing mother and how you are there for your loved ones. Alternatively, the kitchen represents a transformation; something new or life-altering is about to occur. The dream could also be telling you that if "you can't stand the heat, then you need to get out of the kitchen". In other words, it is time to abort your plans.




If the dream is a pleasant one, then the color yellow is symbolic of intellect, energy, agility, happiness, harmony, and wisdom. On the other hand, if the dream is an unpleasant one, then the color represents deceit, disgrace, betrayal, cowardice, and sickness.




To see a wall in your dream signifies limitations, obstacles, and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress. Alternatively, the wall indicates that you are too accustomed to your old habits and way of thinking. You feel stuck. If you dream of blood on the walls, then it is a warning of sorts. There is a situation that you need to confront. You can not avoid it any longer.




The very often white color seen in a dream symbolizes justice, goodness, perfection, truth, and completeness of works. To see it in a dream means that you need to analyze something in reality. Perhaps some circumstances relating to your business or the state of your inner world.




 You may face various changes—career, family stages, or romantic relationships—that may cause you emotional struggle.

To see or open a refrigerator in your dream represents your chilling personality and/or cold emotions. The dream may also be telling you that you need to put some goal, plan, or situation on hold. Alternatively, a refrigerator signifies seeing a wall in your dream signifies limitations, obstacles, and boundaries. There is a barrier obstructing your progress

 Did you guys know you can leave me a voice message for the HauntedHour podcast? Just click the message button and I may play it on the podcast. Scary story, dream, ask about a dream symbol or comment 



Check my Dream Dream Dictionary

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Dream fighting intruder in home Repetitive Dream

 If you listen to the podcast you will hear a new dream interpretation a Haunted Hour poll and a ghost hunt ghost story in a cemetery. 

See how people voted in the latest haunted hour poll and hear some haunting tweets.

If you have a dream you want analyzed or a paranormal story you want to share please email me at

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This weeks dream...



Thank you Lainey for sending in your dream

It starts off amazing. I have a nice small, yet wonderful house in Tennessee (I do not live in Tennessee but I have always wanted to move there close to the mountains). I have a husband and one son. However my son does not resemble my husband much. The dream begins with me looking around my son's room. All of his accomplishments, awards, trophies. He is roughly 8? I spend a lot of time in his room just kind of looking at it. He runs up to me and talks to me but I don't really hear what he says. I am hyper focused on his bright, deep blue eyes. I have his entire face memorized. I walk back into the kitchen to answer the phone. When I answer a voice says "Its time" and hangs up. I feel a huge panic overcome me. I tell my husband about it but he brushes it off as a prank. I couldn't let the feeling go. I began getting stuff ready for dinner along with my husband's father. During that time my husband needs to leave for the store. I begged him to stay as I didn't feel comfortable but he left regardless. Not too long after he left I went to bring my son into the bathroom for a shower. I heard a knock on the door and when I got up near the door I saw a masked man with a gun standing on the other side of the glass window on the door. My husband's father motions for me to leave. Just then the man comes through the door and shoots my husband's father. Instinctually I run up to the man and jump on him. I am punching, hitting, slapping, trying to keep him away from the back of the house where my son is. He slams me onto the ground and I realized I could not win. I run back and grab my son and attempt to hide. I curl my son up in my lap using my body to protect him. I make eye-contact with the man and he shoots me. I woke up feeling beaten up and exhausted.


Since then, when I have the dream it is all the same up until I see the man through the door window. Once I see that mask I feel depressed. I slowly walk to grab my son and huddle with him in the corner and wait for the man to come shoot me. And he always does.



As I desire a peaceful life, recognition and validation. I need commitment and partnership with myself as well as new ideas and choices. As I look at my hopes and potential, I need to seek out this source of worry and address it. I need warmth, spiritual nourishment and some emotional healing. I am being forced to confront issues which I have been avoiding. I need to be more yielding in my point of view and decisions. I desire to cleanse myself, both emotionally and psychologically. I am looking at my outlook on life, my consciousness and my point of view. I feel the door is closed or locked opportunities that are denied and not available to me that I have missed out on. Something or someone is blocking my progress. I am feeling violated and Forced to accept new ideas/concepts. My commitment left and my rational side is being attacked. My true intentions or true feelings are being hidden. I am not being honest with myself. I have given up on my ability to direct my own life.

 Card I pulled from dream interpretation oracle deck was fighting = battle from within. 

To see my dream analysis on YouTube


Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...