Showing posts with label dream about sex. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream about sex. Show all posts

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Dreams of Sex and Wealth

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed . 

The Dream

 Best way to describe it was an Eyes Wide Shut story line, but instead of seeking them out, someone from the circle sought me out. She was a Hollywood celeb who took a liking to me, she was as a blond haired as they came, was blind folded till they brought me into the circle, told me I was chosen to be a part of their group. I’m like why me? I’m no one. They wouldn’t answer, the girl showed me around the place. It was a massive mansion I was in, was completely dark enough only to see the people. They had me take part in sexual rituals, which is the first for me, being I never have those kind of dreams. Months went by in the dream, I saw I lost a shit ton of weight, and was a totally different person who became and guy in power with wealth and got to keep his celebrity girl who brought me into the circle in the first place. I couldn’t get a good look at her face though as she had a cat like mask on her face.

My Interpretation
This dream is your subconscious, asking you to look at aspects of yourself that may hold you back. The sex act parallels that you wish to express hidden things. For example, the goal may be to feel more confident. The celebrity who is the intuitive part of you wears a mask so you know not to deceive yourself and to trust your intuition. It's a sign that you're growing and breaking free from your old thinking. 

*Analyzing the other characters in the dream would give some insight into parts of yourself you need to work on or with. For example, what were the sexual rituals? Something about the people or acts will reveal what needs to be discovered.
 The card
 (Spirit of swords) The Masquerader for all the knowledge in many areas; he collects it without using it. Instead, he hides behind excuses, his mask questioning himself. 


A little more about your symbols
Someone seeking you instead of you seeking them is a lack of ambition.
The celebrity in this dream is showing you what stands in the way.
The mansion is self, and you are discovering unknown hidden aspects of self.
 The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express. For example, since it was a group, maybe you need to be more social in your waking life.
 To dream that you are rich signifies pride and self-confidence.
Cat intuition independence femininity.
To see someone wearing a mask in your dream denotes that you possibly are struggling against deceit, falsehood, or jealousy.  



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