Showing posts with label dreams with zombies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dreams with zombies. Show all posts

Thursday, November 30, 2023

Disoriented and Shaken

 Journal entry my dream:

The moon hung low in the night sky, casting an eerie glow over the desolate landscape. Myself and two others, disoriented and shaken, stumbled away from the wreckage of our small red car that now lay submerged in the cold, murky water. Panic settled in as we exchanged furtive glances, a silent agreement to split up, each of us haunted by the sense that we were hiding something.

I chose to walk along the riverbank, the tall grass rustling in the chilling breeze. The air was thick with an ominous stillness, broken only by the distant moans of the undead. As I pressed on, shadows danced in the moonlight, and my steps quickened with every imagined sound that echoed through the desolation.

Suddenly, I froze. Emerging from the gloom were silhouettes, figures that moved with a slow, deliberate shuffle. Zombies. Their vacant eyes fixed on nothing, and their arms outstretched in a grotesque parody of life. Fear gripped me, and without a second thought, I turned on my heels, retracing my steps.

As I backtracked, my heart raced, and the shadows seemed to close in around me. Seeking refuge, I stumbled upon a dilapidated boathouse, its weathered wood groaning in the wind. The door creaked open with reluctance, revealing an interior shrouded in darkness. Inside, the air was stale, and the only sounds were the distant moans of the undead.

A few crates and an old desk greeted me in the dim light filtering through the cracked windows. The place seemed abandoned, a sanctuary from the outside world. But as my eyes adjusted, I realized it wasn't deserted after all. Shapes stirred in the shadows, and dread settled in my stomach.

Zombies, dormant until my intrusion, began to awaken. Their groans became more pronounced, echoing through the desolate boathouse. Fear rooted me to the spot, my mind racing for an escape route. The path back was blocked by the advancing undead, and my only option was to face the horrors within or risk being devoured by the ones outside.

Terrified, I turned and fled from the boat house, leaving behind the ominous shadows and the waking dead. The night pressed in around me, and the moonlight offered little solace. My breath hitched with each step, unsure of what awaited me beyond the next bend. The riverbank, once a desolate refuge, now felt like a nightmarish maze where every shadow concealed a new terror.


This story originated in the realm of my dreams

Deedee Jebrail

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