Saturday, October 1, 2022

Three dreams: A message in two bottles Many roads traveled and A witch chasing you

 Happy Spooky Season! To kick things off I am giving you three dreams to enjoy. These three dreams were so amazing and the symbolism is always interesting.

You can listen to the podcast or watch my YouTube to hear more about the dreams and what the symbols mean. Anchor or Spotify 

Dream one

 My mother and I were staying with a family friend. When it was time for bed, the woman said, “there is a witch in this house. If you wake up, stay in bed. If you stay in bed she won’t bother you.”

I didn’t believe her.

In the night, I woke up. I got out of bed and encountered the witch. She chased me around the house most of the night. Every room I went in, she was there. Finally, out of desperation, I went to my mom. I shook her awake, and when she sat up, she was the witch. I awoke from my dream… with sleep paralysis.


Dream Story

With a desire for basic needs and wisdom I look into aspects of myself I have avoided or rejected until now. I want to rest and retreat from the world. I cannot rest in a state of decay and undernourishment.  I   need to nurture and revive areas of my life


Dream two

I was on a white school bus. I got off the bus and walked down the street on the sidewalk of an old town downhill. I came to a single file line with people standing between the ropes. It turned into a rope bridge and at the end was a trampoline. I found a guitar shop and there was a red and blue guitar I was looking at. I went up some stairs to get out. I was on a job interview and then suddenly on a big white road a big intersection with no crosswalk. I crossed the street as tractors were removing peoples cars. I continued to walk to a beach I was with 3 people we were teens. Somebody said lets go back there is just a bunch of old ladies here.  I came to stairs with a locked gate I broke through it and ended up at a friends house. My wife and her friend were there. She said do you want to go and I said lets ditch them. We ran out the door and my wife's shoe fell off I grabbed it  and people were chasing us. My wife threw the shoe into a shoe store and told me to do the same.


Dream story

I feel a lack of control in my life. There are boundaries and rules. With a strong ability to bounce back I find harmony and love. I have choices I see my passions and increasing wisdom. I am trying to reach a higher level of understanding. I want to see what options are available as I transform my life. I must be careful of risks with no control or direction. I do not live in the past but my future is unknown. I am ready to take a chance and think bigger. 


Dream three

I was standing in a courtyard entrance on cement steps a very large wall to my left. In front of me was a landing with four paths one in each direction. The one in front was straight. The one to the left had some steps that went down. The one behind me I am not sure. The one to the right I didn’t look at. The paths were divided by raised planters made of stone. It was a sunny day. I was just standing there on the steps not doing anything a very tall man was to my left side he was at least 7 feet tall he was blonde his hair was neatly swept to the side his right side. He was wearing a suit it was gray and he had a gift bag in his hand. I ignored him and he just stood there waiting for me to acknowledge him. After a long time he finally said I can’t wait any longer and he handed me the bag and left. I walked down the steps to the middle of the paths. There was a little white table maybe plastic and folding. I opened the bag there were two bottles. As I unwrapped one I noticed it had writing on it. Like hand written. I thought this was a gift for someone else I am still unsure. On the bottle of clear liquid it said “Patience potion” then I love you any was. I woke up before I could look at the second bottle! 

Dream Story

As my paths lay before me I can see I have options. I am secure in my central self and my awareness. I can see some of the steps necessary to continue on. I have more strength, certainty, energy, power, force, initiation, strength, manifesting, decisiveness, and the focus to make things happen than I realize. I need to recognize my talents and abilities. I don’t need to pick a path yet I need to have patience.



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