Saturday, March 4, 2023

Repetitive dream of a childhood home



 The Dream

I fall asleep and "wake up" in my childhood home I remember it was from about mid-elementary school until I move out. It's always empty, and sunny.  I do the same thing every time. I take the same route walking around the house, looking in each room, then going outside and walking the same path around the yard. I feel that I focus on or spend more time in specific areas such as the railing by the stairs, the kitchen, the living room (that's the first room I am in when I "wake up"), the storage room, and various areas in the yard like the shed and under a big tree next to the house. 

However, this time was different and it's never happened before. This time it was night and when I "woke up" I was in the living room as I always am but this time it was furnished like I remember it being as a toddler up until it changed in the mid-'90s, to how it looks in the above dream, (wooden couch with the ugly dark yellow and browning floral patterns, ugly dark carpet, coffee table, and the wooden end tables that matched the couch and chair). I remember hiding behind the couch from the opposite end of the living room from where I always start. I peeked around the couch to see my mom on her back, bound and being sort of skinned by my dad. Super vivid, dark blue/black rope, that bound her in a pattern that wrapped neatly around her body from shoulders to legs, then looped up the middle and her mouth was gagged. He was sort of skinning her between the rope where her skin was exposed. It wasn't bloody or anything, just a lot of exposed muscle tissue from head to toe. They also looked just like I remember them when I was that age.

Anyway, I turned to the side and my older sister was there. before I had always been alone in the dream. The dream was silent the whole time. No noises at all. We looked at each other and then back at the scene in the living room. Then we snuck out the front door, which we never used and isn't the one I would always "wake up" at. We hid under the outside stairs, which also were different as they had always been cemented in my life growing up there and always were in my other dream. But when the house sold the new owners took them out and replaced them with a wooden deck. So we hid underneath them for a bit and then ran and hid under an old antique covered wagon, one that would have been used during the times of like the Oregon Trail. Only this wagon was is in my grandmothers front yard in Illinois in real life up until I was in Highschool because they moved and couldn't take it (as far as I can remeber I have never visited this home in my dreams even though it was one of my favorite places ever). So we hid under that for a little while then snuck back to the house and into the living room, only now my mom was on the couch and looked like nothing had ever happened. I can't recall if she was dressed or not, but she looked just fine. I think my dad was standing next to the couch. They both smiled and we walked over to them before I woke up in real life. 
My Interpretation 
Something in your waking life has triggered  aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. The dream is pointing out issues you are not consciously facing. To see a rope in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others or ways of thinking.  It also represents restriction which is confirmed by the gag in the mouth. Blue and black can be emotions and subconscious. Being skinned exposing something by taking away the layers of protection. Stairs are change and transformation which is confirmed by the fact the stairs in the dream change too. 
So the dream is most likely about you not them. Each person is a symbol a reflection of you. Something you need to work through about yourself that was developed during that time. Your subconscious wants you to understand why you approach a current situation a certain way. It is due to something you learned in your development during that time in the house. The end after all the peeling away layers is happiness. 

Card Lord of Cups: Urges the seeker to see beyond illusion to seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection.

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

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