Showing posts with label dream symbol. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream symbol. Show all posts

Friday, January 26, 2024

Dreams in another language


Dreaming of people speaking in a language that you don't understand is a common phenomenon. I myself had an odd dream that people were singing in a language I did not understand.

Here are some possible reasons why people dream of other languages they don't understand:


   1. Cognitive Processing and Memory Consolidation:

        Dreams often involve the brain's processing and consolidation of memories and experiences. Hearing unfamiliar languages may represent the brain's attempt to organize and integrate information, even if the specific language is not understood. Maybe it is not even a known language.


  2.  Multilingual Exposure in Real Life:

        Individuals who are exposed to multiple languages in their waking lives may dream in languages they don't fully comprehend. This can be a reflection of the brain's exposure to linguistic diversity, creating a surreal and multilingual dream environment. I have often wondered if our subconscious mind understands other languages we don't consciously know.


 3.   Symbolism and Emotional Expression:

        Dreams are a complex interplay of symbols and emotions. Unfamiliar languages may symbolize aspects of the dreamer's emotions, thoughts, or experiences that are challenging to express in their native language. It becomes a symbolic way for the subconscious to communicate. Maybe in the dream world things sound different.


 4.   Creative Imagination:

        Dreams are often associated with creative thinking and imagination. The mind can generate scenarios that involve linguistic elements from various sources, leading to the inclusion of unfamiliar languages. This combination of languages may contribute to the dream's uniqueness and creativity.


5.    Cultural Influence and Media Exposure:

        Exposure to foreign languages through media, such as movies, TV shows, or literature, can influence dream content. The brain may incorporate elements from these linguistic exposures into dreams, creating scenarios where unfamiliar languages are spoken as a result of cultural influence and media consumption. If everything we have ever seen or heard is in our minds to be used as symbols, we certainly should dream in other languages.


 Dreams can mean many things. Take the time to write out your dreams and analyze them. This post is meant to provoke thought and interest about our Dream world.



Saturday, December 30, 2023

Five dreams that may indicate you are in a toxic relationship


 Here are five dream symbols that some individuals associate with being in a toxic relationship:

  1. Chasing or Being Chased:

    •  Dreams of being chased or pursuing someone can represent feelings of anxiety, fear, or avoidance in a relationship. It may indicate a sense of being overwhelmed or pursued by negativity.
  2. Drowning or Suffocating:

    • Dreams of drowning or feeling suffocated may suggest that the dreamer is experiencing emotional suffocation or overwhelmed by the toxicity in the relationship. It could reflect a sense of being unable to breathe or escape from negative emotions.
  3. Broken or Shattered Objects:

    • Dreams featuring broken or shattered objects may represent a sense of brokenness or disintegration in the relationship. It could reflect feelings of betrayal, disappointment, or the breakdown of trust.
  4. Lost or Trapped:

    • Dreams of being lost or trapped may symbolize feelings of confusion, helplessness, or entrapment in a toxic relationship. The dreamer may feel unable to find a way out or make decisions that lead to a healthier situation.
  5. Dark or Stormy Atmosphere:

    •  Dreams set in a dark, stormy, or gloomy atmosphere may indicate emotional turbulence and negativity in the dreamer's waking life. It could suggest a challenging and unhealthy environment within the relationship.

It's important to note that dream interpretation is highly subjective, and these symbols may not universally apply to everyone. Dreams are influenced by personal experiences, emotions, and individual perspectives. If you find yourself repeatedly dreaming about negative symbols related to your relationship, it may be worth considering whether there are underlying issues that need attention in your waking life. 



Friday, December 29, 2023

Decoding Work-Related Dreams: What Your Nightly Adventures Might Reveal About Your Day


Dreams, those mysterious journeys into our subconscious, often leave us with lingering questions. Have you ever found yourself puzzling over a dream that revolves around your workplace? You're not alone. Dreaming about work is a common experience, and while dreams are highly subjective, they can provide valuable insights into our waking lives. Let's explore some common interpretations for dreaming about work.

1. Stress or Overwhelm: Dreaming about work may act as a signal, indicating feelings of stress or being overwhelmed in your waking life. It serves as a mirror reflecting the pressure you might be experiencing, allowing you to recognize and address these emotions.

2. Unresolved Issues: Work-related dreams often point to unresolved issues or challenges in your professional life. Your subconscious mind uses the dream state to process and grapple with the complexities of your job, creating a symbolic landscape where these issues can be explored.

3. Ambition and Goals: On a more positive note, dreams about work can symbolize your ambitions, career goals, and the burning desire for success. Your dreams become a canvas where your aspirations and drive manifest, offering you a glimpse into the subconscious motivations that fuel your daily pursuits.

4. Career Satisfaction: Work dreams may reflect your level of satisfaction with your current job. Positive work dreams may indicate contentment and alignment with your professional path, while negative ones might signal dissatisfaction or the need for change.

5. Work-Life Balance: Dreaming about work can sometimes be your mind's way of signaling a need for better work-life balance. It serves as a gentle reminder from your subconscious to take breaks, prioritize self-care, and maintain a harmonious equilibrium between your personal and professional life.

6. Fear of Failure: For those haunted by dreams of work, especially ones involving high-pressure situations, it might be linked to a fear of failure or anxiety about not meeting expectations. These dreams act as messengers, highlighting concerns about performance or competence that may require attention in your waking hours.

7. Creativity and Problem-Solving: Surprisingly, work dreams can be a playground for your creative mind. They often serve as a platform for creative problem-solving, with your brain actively processing challenges and generating innovative solutions while you sleep.

8. Routine and Repetition: Work dreams might symbolize the monotony or routine in your life. If your dream features repetitive tasks or a sense of boredom, it could be your subconscious urging you to break free from the routine and seek new challenges.

9. Relationships at Work: Dreams about colleagues, bosses, or workplace interactions can be a reflection of your relationships and dynamics at work. Positive or negative interactions in dreams may mirror your feelings about these relationships, offering insights into areas that may need attention.

10. Financial Concerns: Work-related dreams might also be connected to financial concerns or stability. If you're facing economic challenges or uncertainties, these anxieties may manifest in work-related dreams, providing an avenue for you to acknowledge and address financial worries.


Dream interpretation is a highly personal endeavor. To truly decipher the meaning of your work-related dreams, consider the specific details of each dream, the emotions experienced during these dreams, and your current life circumstances. Your dreams can serve as a powerful tool for self-discovery and understanding, unlocking the secrets hidden within your subconscious mind. Sweet dreams and happy decoding!





Saturday, December 23, 2023

The Ancient Ruins

 Journal entry: My Dream

I suddenly found myself on a road trip with my husband, fueled by the desire to uncover the mysteries of ancient ruins hidden within the majestic mountains. We stopped at an outdoor mall nestled at the foothills, a bustling gateway to the ethereal destination we sought.

As we stepped out of our car, the air held a subtle mystique. The outdoor mall seemed ordinary at first, but as we ascended a set of cement stairs with a sturdy metal railing, an otherworldly atmosphere began to envelop us. The stairs, intricately designed, gradually narrowed in size, leading us to a gathering of people adorned in vibrant attire, singing in a language unfamiliar to us.

Curiosity pulled us further, and we found ourselves standing at the precipice of a vast mountain range. The rocks, painted in hues of red, resembled a desert canvas beneath the boundless sky. It was then that the air resonated with harmonious sounds—a melodic blend of trumpets and voices, creating a symphony of an unseen celebration.

My gaze was drawn upward, and against the canvas of the sky, a lion materialized, an ethereal outline traversing the heavens. Beside it danced mythical creatures, their forms shifting and blending in a surreal display. I felt a connection to this celestial dance, as if witnessing a cosmic celebration that transcended time and space.

As I marveled at the celestial display, a crescent moon captured my attention. Swiftly, it streaked across the sky and down to the left, ushering in the arrival of night. With the transition, a palpable chill descended upon the air, announcing the arrival of winter. I shivered, not just from the cold, but from the realization that I was witnessing something beyond the ordinary.

Suddenly, a thunderous bang echoed through the air, sending a jolt of fear through my veins. In the midst of the celestial spectacle, I searched desperately for a place to hide. The once serene surroundings transformed into a stage for a cosmic drama, and I, a mere observer, grappled with the overwhelming intensity of the spiritual awakening unfolding before my eyes.

In that moment of fear and awe, I felt a profound connection to the universe, a realization that the boundaries between the material and the metaphysical were fading. The road trip to ancient ruins became a pilgrimage to the soul, and the celestial display in the mountains marked the beginning of a transformative journey—a journey toward spiritual awakening.


This is my dream story 

Friday, December 22, 2023

Falling Dreams: What Does It Mean to Wake Up Mid-Fall?

This week Falling was the dream symbol chosen by a vote on my Facebook Page. I created a short video to discuss some dream meanings but also want to discuss further other reasons you may feel you are falling.


  Dreams have long been a mysterious realm that captivates the human mind. Among the many dream experiences, one common symbol that you may have is the sensation of falling. A dream where you find yourself plummeting into the unknown  can be scary, leaving you with a sense of unease upon waking. In this blog post, I explore the potential meanings behind this phenomenon and try to solve the mysteries of waking up in the midst of a fall.

Understanding Falling Dreams: Falling dreams are often associated with a feeling of loss of control or instability in one's waking life. They can serve as symbolic representations of situations or relationships that are perceived to be slipping away or spiraling out of control. But what happens when you wake up in the midst of this free fall? Let's explore some of the potential explanations for this unique dream experience.

  1. Sleep Paralysis and Falling Sensations: Waking up mid-fall may be linked to a phenomenon known as sleep paralysis. During sleep paralysis, the body is temporarily immobilized to prevent acting out dreams. However, the mind may still be partially in the dream state, leading to a continuation of the falling sensation even as you wake.

  2. Hypnic Jerks and Sudden Awakenings: Hypnic jerks, those sudden muscle contractions that often accompany the feeling of falling, can startle you awake. These jerks are thought to be a natural part of the body's transition from wakefulness to sleep. The combination of the falling sensation and the abrupt awakening can create a vivid and memorable dream experience.

  3. Inner Ear Imbalance: The inner ear plays a crucial role in maintaining balance, and any disruption in its functioning can lead to a sense of falling. Waking up in the middle of a fall could be a result of an inner ear imbalance, which may cause a disorienting sensation as you transition from dream to reality.

  4. Anxiety and Stress: Falling dreams are often associated with feelings of anxiety and stress. If you wake up during a fall, it may signify a heightened state of stress in your waking life, urging you to pay attention to areas where you may be feeling overwhelmed or lacking control.

Conclusion: Dreams, with their symbolic nature, continue to intrigue us. The experience of waking up mid-fall adds an extra layer of complexity to the already mysterious world of dreams. While there is no one-size-fits-all explanation for this phenomenon, exploring the potential links to sleep paralysis, hypnic jerks, inner ear imbalance, and emotional states may offer some insight into the intricate workings of the subconscious mind. As we unravel the mysteries of falling dreams, we may find valuable clues to understanding our waking selves and the challenges we face in our daily lives.

 Video link to my YouTube


Friday, December 15, 2023

Dream Symbol Cooking: What does it mean if you are cooking in your dream?



Have you found yourself in a strange kitchen cooking in your dream? Did you wake up and think what the hell does that mean? Am I hungry or feeling creative? Maybe, I dug deep into one of my own dreams and found I was manifesting.

My dream, I was in a large town home style apartment. It was modern with stairs in the front which opened up to a living area. I walked into a large kitchen with an oven built into the cabinetry and I opened the door to check on my ribs I was cooking.

Short dream but for me the overall meaning is about protecting myself while creating in new spaces. I felt confident in the dream and it was something I was taking care of. The modern apartment was telling me this was a current situation but also the ribs were not done yet. This could mean staying focused, intentional, on track, consistent, and patient.  

I posted a video on YouTube with a little more meaning. I believe cooking is manifesting and it could be good or bad. Ask yourself what are you cooking? How do you feel? Where are you at? Who is with you?

This may help you understand your own dream about cooking.

What do you cook in your dream kitchen?



Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Dream Study Results - Revealing Secrets of Our Dream World



I asked for 10 volunteers for a dream study. I had 8 who completed the study and these are some of the topics we explored and I cover in my final results video.

  Spirit Contact: Can dreams serve as a bridge to the spirit realm? I share some incredible stories of participants' encounters with departed loved ones and the spiritual connections forged through the dream world.

 Mutual Dreams: Did we uncover the astonishing phenomenon of shared dreams? I share an account of two dreamers, blurring the lines between reality and the dream realm.

 Synchronicities: Explore the mind-boggling world of dream synchronicities. I reveal some mind-blowing instances of participants experiencing uncanny coincidences and meaningful connections in their dreams. 

  Messages in Dreams: Delve into the realm of dream messages. Learn how dreams can be a powerful medium for receiving guidance, insights, and messages from the subconscious mind and beyond. 

 The White Inn as a Starting Point: Investigate the concept of the White Inn as a portal to the dream cycle. I discuss how this mysterious location became a focal point for many participants and what it symbolizes in the dream study. 

 Common Dream Symbols: Decode the symbolism behind common dream elements observed in this study. Explore what these symbols might signify in the context of your own dreams. Don't miss out on this eye-opening revelation!

 Dream Study Video


 Cross in the window

 Here are the charts so you can see results of Pre and Post Study questionnaires. 

 Episode I mention: 

To get started on your dream exploration 3 or 7 day email me at 

or visit my site

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Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Dreams with

Chat history

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new website, where you can submit and pay for dream interpretations, all in one convenient location. I am dedicated to helping you gain valuable insights into the hidden meanings and messages behind your dreams. Whether you have recurring dreams, vivid nightmares, or simply wish to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, is here to guide you on this fascinating journey.

Explore the Wonders of Dream Interpretation

Dreams have long captivated humanity, inspiring wonder, curiosity, and contemplation. is committed to understanding this ancient art and making the meanings  accessible to everyone. . A Seamless Experience

My newly launched website offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to submit and pay for dream interpretations all in one place. I understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality when it comes to personal dreams, and rest assured, your information will not be shared unless otherwise agreed to.

Here's how our process works:

  1. Submit Your Dream: Share the details of your dream through our easy-to-use submission form. Be as descriptive as possible, including any emotions, locations, people, or symbols that stood out to you. The more information you provide, the more accurate and insightful your interpretation will be.

  2. Payment: Enjoy the convenience of paying for your interpretation directly on our secure platform. We offer transparent pricing options, ensuring you are aware of the costs upfront.

  3. Receive Your Interpretation: Once your payment is confirmed, I will work on your dream analysis.  Within 48 hours, you will receive a comprehensive interpretation that explores the symbolism, themes, and potential insights associated with your dream.

Why Choose

  1. Personalized Interpretations: I recognize that dreams are deeply personal and unique to each individual. You can expect a personalized interpretation that resonates with your life experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

  2. Convenience and Accessibility: eliminates the need for multiple platforms or in-person appointments. Our user-friendly website allows you to navigate seamlessly through the entire process, from dream submission to receiving your interpretation. Interpretations are delivered electronically, ensuring you can access them at your convenience.

Embark on Your Dream Journey Today!

Don't let your dreams remain a mystery. Visit today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. I am eager to guide you through the labyrinth of your dreams, offering profound insights that can enrich your waking life. Prepare to unlock the doors of perception and delve into the profound wisdom that lies within your dreams. Start exploring today and awaken the power of your subconscious mind with


Saturday, March 4, 2023

Repetitive dream of a childhood home



 The Dream

I fall asleep and "wake up" in my childhood home I remember it was from about mid-elementary school until I move out. It's always empty, and sunny.  I do the same thing every time. I take the same route walking around the house, looking in each room, then going outside and walking the same path around the yard. I feel that I focus on or spend more time in specific areas such as the railing by the stairs, the kitchen, the living room (that's the first room I am in when I "wake up"), the storage room, and various areas in the yard like the shed and under a big tree next to the house. 

However, this time was different and it's never happened before. This time it was night and when I "woke up" I was in the living room as I always am but this time it was furnished like I remember it being as a toddler up until it changed in the mid-'90s, to how it looks in the above dream, (wooden couch with the ugly dark yellow and browning floral patterns, ugly dark carpet, coffee table, and the wooden end tables that matched the couch and chair). I remember hiding behind the couch from the opposite end of the living room from where I always start. I peeked around the couch to see my mom on her back, bound and being sort of skinned by my dad. Super vivid, dark blue/black rope, that bound her in a pattern that wrapped neatly around her body from shoulders to legs, then looped up the middle and her mouth was gagged. He was sort of skinning her between the rope where her skin was exposed. It wasn't bloody or anything, just a lot of exposed muscle tissue from head to toe. They also looked just like I remember them when I was that age.

Anyway, I turned to the side and my older sister was there. before I had always been alone in the dream. The dream was silent the whole time. No noises at all. We looked at each other and then back at the scene in the living room. Then we snuck out the front door, which we never used and isn't the one I would always "wake up" at. We hid under the outside stairs, which also were different as they had always been cemented in my life growing up there and always were in my other dream. But when the house sold the new owners took them out and replaced them with a wooden deck. So we hid underneath them for a bit and then ran and hid under an old antique covered wagon, one that would have been used during the times of like the Oregon Trail. Only this wagon was is in my grandmothers front yard in Illinois in real life up until I was in Highschool because they moved and couldn't take it (as far as I can remeber I have never visited this home in my dreams even though it was one of my favorite places ever). So we hid under that for a little while then snuck back to the house and into the living room, only now my mom was on the couch and looked like nothing had ever happened. I can't recall if she was dressed or not, but she looked just fine. I think my dad was standing next to the couch. They both smiled and we walked over to them before I woke up in real life. 
My Interpretation 
Something in your waking life has triggered  aspects of yourself that were prominent or developed during the time you lived in that home. The dream is pointing out issues you are not consciously facing. To see a rope in your dream represents your connection and attachment to others or ways of thinking.  It also represents restriction which is confirmed by the gag in the mouth. Blue and black can be emotions and subconscious. Being skinned exposing something by taking away the layers of protection. Stairs are change and transformation which is confirmed by the fact the stairs in the dream change too. 
So the dream is most likely about you not them. Each person is a symbol a reflection of you. Something you need to work through about yourself that was developed during that time. Your subconscious wants you to understand why you approach a current situation a certain way. It is due to something you learned in your development during that time in the house. The end after all the peeling away layers is happiness. 

Card Lord of Cups: Urges the seeker to see beyond illusion to seek inner quiet and peaceful reflection.

This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Saturday, February 25, 2023

A Spirit Visitation Six Spirits One Message



The Dream

A woman with red curly hair showed me she was missing her left breast and had liquid coming from her chest. I knew she had died of an infection. A second woman, who was brunette and dressed in a 1940s mid-calf black skirt, told me she was attacked by a man and left under something outside a building. I then turned and was in the cemetery, and four spirits were floating over their graves; before I could do anything, I woke up!

The Interpretation

 The dream is about dependency and imbalance. The need for more spontaneity and vitality in life. It is time to make changes from negative thoughts and ideas that are internalized. The need for confidence which has become infected with negativity. The assertive aspect of self points out not to be left out of your own sense of self and lose motivation. 

2 spirits that were showing me something about their deaths.  

Number 2 is a symbol of balance, prosperity, teamwork, peace and harmony. 2 also has positive vibrational energy connected to service and openness, but at its core, number 2 represents partnerships

The number 4 came up in the dream with the four spirits floating over their graves.

Angel Number 4 encourages you to make the most of situations that will help you fulfill your life’s purpose and to be aware of how your thoughts and actions can influence your spiritual journey. This could mean taking steps toward your goals or making changes that improve your chances of succeeding in life. Sometimes we get stuck in ruts and need someone else (or something else) to give us a gentle nudge out of our comfort zone.

The meaning of this angelic numeral can be interpreted in multiple ways, but its main objective is to encourage self-reflection and inspire positive changes in your life journey. In addition, the angelic beings are reminding us all that nothing in this world is permanent—not even our emotions or desires. Everything changes over time as we travel through different phases of our lives. 

Cards pulled from The Mystical Dream Deck

The Innocent = Fool.  Have balance and discernment. Know the truth before making decisions. perception can seduce one into falsehoods and onto dangerous paths.  

The Master of Secrets = The Magician. Help, true plan or path. Everything is in place you just need to chose to be ready

Ten of Wands = change is ahead the goal is now in view. 

To read about my cemetery trip which may have influenced my dream symbols. Go to my other blog 


Saturday, February 18, 2023

Dream Interpretation: Talking to Ghosts in your dream

*Listen to the podcast on YouTube or Anchor this week for more about this dream and this weeks dream symbol Elephants 


The dream


 I remember we were driving down Riverside Drive which is a road here where I live and we’re driving by Hiram walkers, which is famous for their Canadian whiskey, so we saw all these people standing around and then we go hey, let’s go see what’s going on so we get out of the car we walked across and then the next day I know we’re walking down this alley which I know there is no alley to this area specially to this particular building, but we are walking down this alley, and I saw all these crowds of people there wearing TAPS T-shirts which is the ghost hunters team and then we saw lights and cameras and we watch people just watching this investigation happening so I end up walking around the building and I found this old section covered area with old bricks in a cast iron gate so I walked to the gate and I could see this apparition of this little girl standing there and I’m talking to her and she’s answering me and I can make out all of her details but her eyes I couldn’t see her eyes. She had blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white tights underneath but I couldn’t see her feet so those were the only two features I couldn’t see but yet she had a German Shepherd dog that was with her so I was asking her name and she told me her name was Jules and I said Jules, would you like to be on my show so we left because I had to go find my computer. I saw an old friend across the street and I asked him to give me a ride so I can get my computer we get to. I get my computer and I open it up and I start the show and I’m asking if any of my media friends out there can see who is with me. I wasn’t getting any answers so I was getting frustrated so we went back to where she where I found her, but when we returned, she disappeared and I started to look for the next thing I know I am walking down a very dark dimly lit tunnel and I’m calling out her name and I’m not finding her so I’m checking all the doors down this hallway when I get to a door that opens I go inside and that’s when I wake up.


The Interpretation

This dream may be about searching for a way to accomplish a goal. You may feel you are missing out on an opportunity and feel you hit a dead end. Brick wall is your thoughts and ideas. The Iron gate is your will power. Ghost girl (see below) The computer is you searching for information. Asking for a ride vs driving yourself is relying on others. The end in the tunnel is you exploring deeper into your subconscious and opening new awareness. The end is good because you can think about this dream and ask your subconscious for answers. I believe it will have the answers you are looking for. Blue represents wisdom and the subconscious mind. Think of the girl as your subconscious the dog shows it is a safe space. So you don't have to be protective.


Card I pulled


Spirit of Cups = Water of the Unconscious

Dreamer is devoted to the path of learning 


Thank you Dale for sending in your dream. 

You can find Dale on The Paranormal Voice


This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...