Showing posts with label Divine intervention. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Divine intervention. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Dreams and the Secret Messages They Contain

This week I was a guest on  Edge of Reality Radio  with Lee Speigel. We discussed dream interpretations, secret messages trying to reach our waking selves, reoccurring dreams, extraterrestrials and dreams, and so much more.

Lee Speigel, the host of Edge Of Reality Radio, has been researching and reporting on unexplained phenomena for over 50 years. His impressive bio includes ABC, CBS, NBC, the United Nations, OMNI Magazine, AOL, The Huffington Post, and KGRA Digital Broadcast Network, to co-producing/co-writing an important 2020 UFO documentary — “The Phenomenon.” 


Saturday, March 19, 2022

Divine Intervention poll, experience and a dream analysis

This week on the podcast I review my latest Haunted Hour poll. Have you experienced divine intervention? You can hear how everyone voted and hear my own experience which save my life!

You can also read that story here on my other blog   

 When I decided to use my cards for this new series of dream analysis I knew I was on the right path. I shuffled to ask for confirmation regarding this dream and I pulled this card!

Deck I am using Dream Interpretation Oracle Cards

My dream

I walked into a bookstore not small or big, the shelves went to the ceiling and there was a long counter with an older man standing there. I walked up to him to ask a question and he motioned me to a small room on the left. I was suddenly in the room and there were so many books. One book suddenly began to slip out of the bookcase as if someone was pulling it out. It was on a shelf above me and to the left. All the books including this one were hardcover books. As the book came out I caught it and it suddenly popped open and it was so bright it blinded me. A strong voice came out and said why are you not teaching your son about me? I woke up.

Dream Analysis

As I actively seek higher knowledge and my desire to learn I try to ask for help from a higher wisdom. I want to debar idleness and look into my hidden areas of consciousness. I look at aspects of myself I have neglected or forgotten. I encounter divinity or a higher conscious. My true answer is, I do not embrace my potential. 

A few dream symbols

Walking = Actively seeking

Book Store = knowledge

Books = desire to learn seeking answers

Shelf = aspect of yourself you have forgotten or neglected

Bright light = divinity or higher conscious 

If you would like your dream analyzed please email me at

Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...