Showing posts with label dream symbol ghost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream symbol ghost. Show all posts

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Dream Interpretation: Talking to Ghosts in your dream

*Listen to the podcast on YouTube or Anchor this week for more about this dream and this weeks dream symbol Elephants 


The dream


 I remember we were driving down Riverside Drive which is a road here where I live and we’re driving by Hiram walkers, which is famous for their Canadian whiskey, so we saw all these people standing around and then we go hey, let’s go see what’s going on so we get out of the car we walked across and then the next day I know we’re walking down this alley which I know there is no alley to this area specially to this particular building, but we are walking down this alley, and I saw all these crowds of people there wearing TAPS T-shirts which is the ghost hunters team and then we saw lights and cameras and we watch people just watching this investigation happening so I end up walking around the building and I found this old section covered area with old bricks in a cast iron gate so I walked to the gate and I could see this apparition of this little girl standing there and I’m talking to her and she’s answering me and I can make out all of her details but her eyes I couldn’t see her eyes. She had blonde hair wearing a blue dress with white tights underneath but I couldn’t see her feet so those were the only two features I couldn’t see but yet she had a German Shepherd dog that was with her so I was asking her name and she told me her name was Jules and I said Jules, would you like to be on my show so we left because I had to go find my computer. I saw an old friend across the street and I asked him to give me a ride so I can get my computer we get to. I get my computer and I open it up and I start the show and I’m asking if any of my media friends out there can see who is with me. I wasn’t getting any answers so I was getting frustrated so we went back to where she where I found her, but when we returned, she disappeared and I started to look for the next thing I know I am walking down a very dark dimly lit tunnel and I’m calling out her name and I’m not finding her so I’m checking all the doors down this hallway when I get to a door that opens I go inside and that’s when I wake up.


The Interpretation

This dream may be about searching for a way to accomplish a goal. You may feel you are missing out on an opportunity and feel you hit a dead end. Brick wall is your thoughts and ideas. The Iron gate is your will power. Ghost girl (see below) The computer is you searching for information. Asking for a ride vs driving yourself is relying on others. The end in the tunnel is you exploring deeper into your subconscious and opening new awareness. The end is good because you can think about this dream and ask your subconscious for answers. I believe it will have the answers you are looking for. Blue represents wisdom and the subconscious mind. Think of the girl as your subconscious the dog shows it is a safe space. So you don't have to be protective.


Card I pulled


Spirit of Cups = Water of the Unconscious

Dreamer is devoted to the path of learning 


Thank you Dale for sending in your dream. 

You can find Dale on The Paranormal Voice


This week we have another great dream sent in. Visit the have your dream interpreted page for more information on having your dream analyzed .

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