Saturday, May 28, 2022

Dream interpretation Flirting

If you listen to the podcast you will hear another haunting story... Why would a spirit haunt a cemetery? I have an answer for you.

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A dream and analysis about flirting. 

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This weeks dream is from Tanya 


I began this dream in Scranton, but I was not self-aware till the near end. I met up with a man with a bum leg and we went to the movies, and he invited me back over to his house. At his house, we began watching a Jim Carey movie where he was a vampire, while this unnamed man began making us dinner. There was some casual flirtation, and for the most part it felt like I was on a date with this individual. I didn’t become self- aware until he stepped out of the room to check on the food. I immediately realized that I shouldn’t be there, that I was engaged to Bill and that this wasn’t right. Knowing I was dreaming, but also still playing the part, I texted my daughter and asked her to call me with a fake emergency to get out. She did, and the man sort of walked me out trying to convince me to return, but I left as quickly as possible and woke up.  


With my need to improve communication but feeling vulnerable I look for a sign that makes me feel comfortable with expressing my emotions. I am trying to attract something new into my life. I was not self-aware until I checked on my energies of self-guilt and self-betrayal. I try to communicate with my ideal or better self. I am making a slow, but steady progress toward my goals. I am ready to let go of the past and move forward. 


Cards I pulled from Dream Interpretation Oracle Deck 

Buying = Exchanging values

Wealth = Wholeness


 Thank you Tanya for sending in your dream



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