Saturday, June 25, 2022

Dreams of Celebrities

 If you listen to the podcast you will hear... A dream interpretation for Mila. What does it mean when you dream about a celebrity? Lets find out.


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This weeks dream...


 The Dream

My funny Nick dream! some bird was trying to attack me, let it out the window and then found the other bird/pigeon was afraid of it.  Some zombies or something running around & we were trying to work out if real or not. Watching on screen and was whispering a lot about what was going on. Then some woman came along and general convo, some ex of his, coulda been his ex cos she was blondish and I asked him so how good was he performance-wise ha, that's me putting it politely and everyone just laughed, like he was great! Sure there were some spirits around too but couldn't see them!  That was funny cos we didn't have the right equipment! That's the gist of it but it was longer 😂🤣


The dream interpretation 

 As I look to escape my own reality I feel I am pulled in too many directions. I want to let go of things that need my attention, but that scares me. I am physically and/or emotionally detached from people and situations that are currently surrounding me. I feel out of touch. It doesn’t seem real. As I look at my aspirations and the future an aspect of myself feels left out from the fun. 


Cards I pulled from the Dream Interpretations Oracle cards deck. 

Key: A secret or it's revelation

Love: Bonds 

If you listen to the podcast I give some meaning behind dreaming of celebrities.

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