Showing posts with label dream symbol cats. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream symbol cats. Show all posts

Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Dream: A guy named Baguio

 The Dream:


 It was long, but three friends and I were in some business together. There was this guy named Baguio (sounds like Baaa-g-o) who was Asian, wore a ring on every finger, and had like 20 gold chains and sunglasses on. This man had a haunted location and was selective about who he would let in. He chose another guy. and we were all like, "ok, whatever." Then we were all sitting at this table, and this guy Bagio told this man to leave and then he looked at me and said, "you alone can investigate." So my three friends got Uber-pissed, and then one grabbed me by my shirt; we were nose to nose, and she was yelling about how I was "breaking up the band." Then she said, "I need coffee," and stormed off to the random coffee kiosk in this long white hallway. It was super weird! 


My Interpretation:


The people in the dream each symbolize an aspect of yourself. 

You are committed to a business endeavor, but some unfinished business is on your mind. You can comprehend, understand, and profit from experience. Even though you have social unity, you need to gain some insight before making a decision. 


Getting a name is so cool! Is this a dream character, the name of her subconscious, or something else? 


Baguio has something to do with immortality and life. 

Cards I pulled: 

Card Sun = enlightenment through a person, place, or situation. The answers come from the subconscious to the conscious.

Baguio is best known as the "Summer Capital of the Philippines," Its cool climate makes this a spot to escape the chaotic scenes in Manila. The city is also home to tropical pine forests, lending the city the nickname "City of Pines."


Pines: Immortality 



Sunday, February 5, 2023

Dream Symbol Cats

 Let's explore cats as a dream symbol. Cats represent intuition, femininity, and independence. I have many dreams about cats, but the interpretation depends on what other characters appear in your dream. What is the cat doing? What are you doing? 

I had a dream of a sick cat. The message was to pay attention to my intuition. 

Do you have a cat dream you want help interpreting? You can email me at




Dream dictionary


Cats represent our independent spirit, femininity, and intuition. If you dream you can't find your cat, you may be looking for independence. To dream you are saving a cat implies you are reclaiming your freedom. To dream of a cat scratched you means you feel threatened. Seeing a black cat could be a fear you are not addressing. In all of these explanations, you need to explore the other symbols in your dream to find your dream message. 


 Spiritual meaning for dream symbol cat: Cats are associated with magic. Many also believe they connect to the spiritual world and have healing powers.

 Follow my YouTube channel for weekly symbols.

Cats Dream symbol  


 May be an image of one or more people and cat

Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...