Showing posts with label dream symbol demon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dream symbol demon. Show all posts

Saturday, October 8, 2022

Dream Analysis: A Demonic Attack

Have you even been attacked by a Demonic Entity awake or asleep? I was once when I was 18 and I finally dove into what it was and what it means. 

This week if you listen to the podcast you will hear... Irish folklore, The Haunted Hour poll and A dream interpretation of a demonic attack. Was this a dream? Was it a demonic attack? Share your thoughts in the comments. 


To hear some dream symbols listen to on Anchor podcast or on Spotify 


If you have a dream you want analyzed or a paranormal story you want to share please email me at

 My Dream 

I was lying in bed not asleep. It was early, maybe just past dusk. I had been to a church that told me to ask the Holy Spirit to possess my soul so no other entity could.  They gave me a prayer. I don’t remember the prayer, too bad that is an important detail. As I prayed, a man-type figure flew from out of the sky and fell on to me like a slab of meat. This being was like all human muscles with no skin, not male or female. He then put his wrists over my wrists, his ankles over my ankles and the rest of him floated above me. We only touch our wrists and ankles. It was so strong and heavy I could not move. He then began to steal my breath and I thought, oh no, it was killing me! I started to say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, but I kept saying I rebuke you in the name of Satan over and over again. I was so scared. I finally pictured the letter J then E then S and it was gone. I sat up!


So let’s say I was asleep and do an analysis. It has been 35 years and I have never tried to analyze this….


 Dream Story

As I look for security and restoration of my mind I need sacredness and spiritual nourishment. I am looking for my connection with God for guidance to stay on the right path. I am looking for help from a higher source. I need to relinquish my worries and let go of my old problems. As I look at an aspect of myself that is assertive, rational, aggressive, and competitive I see power, strength, and flexibility. I need to develop these qualities within myself in order to become a stronger and confident person. I have an ability to combine fun and excitement with productivity at the same time. I am able to grab the attention of others and get them involved. I am seeking support and direction in my life seeking guidance from a higher power there are still some wrong doing or evil workings in my life. 


Cards I pulled


Cards from the Dream Oracle Deck


Moon = Dreams

House = Identity 


So it looks like the cards are telling me it was indeed a dream about my identity. 


To hear some dream symbols listen to the podcast or on Spotify 


Saturday, June 4, 2022

Dream interpretation what does a demon and chocolate in your dream mean


 If you listen to the podcast you will hear a dream with a demon and chocolate what does it really mean in this case lets find out...

See how people voted in the latest haunted hour poll and hear some haunting tweets.

If you have a dream you want analyzed or a paranormal story you want to share please email me at

Podcast Anchor or Spotify

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This weeks dream is from Shane.


I was living in a big city in a big apartment building. I was working a lot. A demon offered me something for my soul and I said no. People are smearing chocolate over the walls like graffiti. Everyone hates white people. I am rejected by someone I'm attracted to for another guy, but I don't care. 





I need to develop closer ties and relationships. I am feeling alienated and alone but I am headed in the right direction in life. Things will improve for me. I am experiencing some anxiety about a current project or task. I need to stop procrastinating. To achieve success

I am tempted by negative habits and my shadow self and letting some negativity give way to my better judgment. Maybe because of a past secret that is still haunting me. My feelings of self-guilt have compromised my own beliefs and values. Perhaps I am feeling numb and out of touch with those around me. It is time to change some vital part of my waking life in order to feel fully alive and whole again.

I may be indulging in too many excesses and need to practice some restraint. Some problems I cannot do anything about. I reject temptation and guilt for my rational self.


 Cards I pulled from Egyptian Tarot deck by Silvana Alasia

The Hanged Man - Devotion is a divine law which no one is exempt from. 

The Star - Hope springs from nothing to illuminate the way


Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...