Showing posts with label nightmares. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nightmares. Show all posts

Thursday, January 11, 2024

4 Dolls That May Cause Dreams Or Nightmares



Can a doll, though seemingly devoid of intelligence, cause a dream, is it the power of suggestion? Here are four dolls known for weaving dreams or unleashing nightmares upon those in their presence.

Which among these dolls has cast its influence upon your slumbering mind, or created an unsettling fear within the shadows of your consciousness?


 1.  Billy

        Per the Para Museum website, it is Called The Idol of Nightmares. This African idol was found bound and in a burlap sack under a home in Dayton, Ohio, and believed cursed, having caused terrible nightmares, odd activity, and feelings of dread to those who saw it. After it was donated to the Newkirk's collection, the curators themselves began to experience activity.  Dozens of museum visitors would later report having strange, vivid dreams after coming into contact with the idol.




2.  Annabelle:

       Annabelle a Raggedy Ann doll from a hobby store was purchased by a mother in 1970 as a birthday gift to her adult daughter Donna Jennings. Jennings, a nurse, lived with fellow nurse Angie Stapleton; Stapleton’s fiancĂ©e, Lou Carlo, was also a frequent visitor to their apartment.  The name Annabelle Higgins was introduced by a medium the nurses consulted. The medium claimed Annabelle was the spirit of a seven-year-old girl who had lived in happier times when the apartments were still fields.

Activity increased over the course of a year, culminating with Lou having a dream about the doll floating over him, hands on his neck, strangling him.  

Video of Annabelle with her story at the museum

Read more... 


3. Lilly

Lilly” is an 1800’s German doll with real human hair.  An antiques dealer found her hidden in an antique chest then took her into his house. He began having recurring nightmares about “a little girl who had a very bad accident”.  He said the details of the nightmares were too disturbing to tell. She now resides at The Haunted Museum in Las Vegas.

 Watch my Video of us sharing our dreams of Lily 

Read more about Lilly

4. Anna Mae

A once love childhood toy, Anna Mae caused nightmares in the doll owners child to the point she had to give it away. I own this doll and she has come to me in a dream. In the dream I looked in the mirror, and I saw Anna Mae smiling back at me and not my reflection.

 Watch my Video with one of my sessions with Anna Mae

These dolls have become iconic in popular culture and folklore, often serving as inspiration for horror stories and movies. The fear associated with them may vary from person to person, but their creepy appearances and eerie histories contribute to their potential to evoke dreams or nightmares.


Doll Dream Symbol

 A doll as a dream symbol could be childhood, responsibility and many other possibilities look at your entire dream and symbols to understand your dreams.


Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Unlock the Mysteries of Your Dreams with

Chat history

I am thrilled to announce the launch of my new website, where you can submit and pay for dream interpretations, all in one convenient location. I am dedicated to helping you gain valuable insights into the hidden meanings and messages behind your dreams. Whether you have recurring dreams, vivid nightmares, or simply wish to explore the depths of your subconscious mind, is here to guide you on this fascinating journey.

Explore the Wonders of Dream Interpretation

Dreams have long captivated humanity, inspiring wonder, curiosity, and contemplation. is committed to understanding this ancient art and making the meanings  accessible to everyone. . A Seamless Experience

My newly launched website offers a seamless and user-friendly experience, allowing you to submit and pay for dream interpretations all in one place. I understand the importance of privacy and confidentiality when it comes to personal dreams, and rest assured, your information will not be shared unless otherwise agreed to.

Here's how our process works:

  1. Submit Your Dream: Share the details of your dream through our easy-to-use submission form. Be as descriptive as possible, including any emotions, locations, people, or symbols that stood out to you. The more information you provide, the more accurate and insightful your interpretation will be.

  2. Payment: Enjoy the convenience of paying for your interpretation directly on our secure platform. We offer transparent pricing options, ensuring you are aware of the costs upfront.

  3. Receive Your Interpretation: Once your payment is confirmed, I will work on your dream analysis.  Within 48 hours, you will receive a comprehensive interpretation that explores the symbolism, themes, and potential insights associated with your dream.

Why Choose

  1. Personalized Interpretations: I recognize that dreams are deeply personal and unique to each individual. You can expect a personalized interpretation that resonates with your life experiences, emotions, and aspirations.

  2. Convenience and Accessibility: eliminates the need for multiple platforms or in-person appointments. Our user-friendly website allows you to navigate seamlessly through the entire process, from dream submission to receiving your interpretation. Interpretations are delivered electronically, ensuring you can access them at your convenience.

Embark on Your Dream Journey Today!

Don't let your dreams remain a mystery. Visit today and embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery. I am eager to guide you through the labyrinth of your dreams, offering profound insights that can enrich your waking life. Prepare to unlock the doors of perception and delve into the profound wisdom that lies within your dreams. Start exploring today and awaken the power of your subconscious mind with


Saturday, April 8, 2023

Our Nightmares with Lily The Haunted Doll, is it paranormal

 This week Sam of  @samsprettyparanormal  and I share our dreams of a haunted doll named Lily after visiting Zak Bagan's Haunted Museum. Did we have similar encounters? What does it mean? Watch to find out. 

 If you have seen this doll please post below if you had any dreams or nightmare after your encounter.

Do you think we just had nightmares or was it a paranormal encounter? 

Dream Analysis 

Haunted doll something from your childhood is coming to the surface. Sam was facing her entity (doll) in her dream. I was not allowing it in. 

Card pull for the doll in the video.


You can find Sam at 

 The Haunted Museum 

My Paranormal Blog

Saturday, January 21, 2023

A Guide To Work Through Your Nightmares By Deedee Jebrail


Nightmares are real and can be traumatic events. There are Movies made from these dreams; remember Nightmare on Elm Street? Nightmares can spill over to our waking lives. Our sleep and waking lives are connected.

Wes Craven, the creator of the Nightmare on Elm Street movie, was inspired by a story he read in the L.A. Times about a family that had survived the Killing Fields in Cambodia. They made it to the United States, but a young boy in the family still found himself haunted by terrible nightmares while he slept. The young boy died after having a series of nightmares. The boy stayed awake for days. Finally, he told his parents something was chasing him in his nightmares. He was afraid that if he fell asleep, it would get him. Exhausted, the boy finally fell asleep. Sometime during the night, the boy's screams woke his parents. They found him dead.

No wonder we fear nightmares so much and don't want to revisit them. So instead, I want to show you why we should and how it will benefit us in our sleep and waking lives.


Nightmares are dreams that cause a strong but unpleasant emotional response. Nightmares usually happen during sleep when REM intervals lengthen; these tend to happen halfway through sleep. Then, as we prepare to awaken, memories begin to combine.

We dream as we transition from REM sleep. Because we tend to dream at the sleep-wake point,  referred to as the twilight zone, images imagined while dreaming, including the vivid, often terrifying images produced during nightmares, are remembered.

Nightmares happen for several reasons—stress, anxiety, irregular sleep, medications, and mental health disorders. The most studied cause is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, there are places to reach out for help. If nightmares plague you, talk to your doctor.


 I want to discuss the subconscious notice-me nightmare. The symbols might be scary, but you have a nightmare once in a while, and it is about taking notice of a situation.

I had a nightmare so scary it took me 35 years to analyze. Finally, I found I did not need to be afraid; it was a dream of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling my life.



My Nightmare

I was lying in bed, not asleep. It was early, maybe just past dusk. I had been to a church that told me to ask the Holy Spirit to possess my soul so no other entity could. They gave me a prayer. I don't remember the prayer. That is an important detail. As I prayed, a man-type figure flew from the sky and fell onto me like a slab of meat. This being was like all human muscles with no skin, not male or female. The entity then put its wrists over my wrists, ankles over my ankles, and the rest floated above me. We only touch our wrists and ankles. It was so solid and heavy that I could not move. It then began to steal my breath, and I thought, oh no, it was killing me! I started to say I rebuke you in the name of Jesus, but I kept saying I rebuke you in the name of Satan over and over again. I was so scared. I finally pictured the letter J, E, then S, and it was gone. I sat up! That is a scary nightmare, especially when you sit up choking for air!

The meaning of the dream

This dream is about the restoration of the mind, spiritual guidance, the need to relinquish worries, and the need to develop inner strength to become more confident. This dream was telling me I had the power.


This is a guide to working out those nightmares

Write out your dream as a memory, look up and write the symbols with definitions, use every detail of your dream, and analyze it. You need to know what the subconscious wants you to understand.

Write a different positive ending for your dream. Review it before you go to sleep. Give it a good, empowering end where you defeat the monsters or the beast is just a jacket on the chair. If you are a lucid dreamer, you can do it within the dream.

Be careful what you watch or allow yourself to see. I like to watch something relaxing or funny before sleep. The subconscious could use images you see throughout your day as a later symbol.

Place a Black Tourmaline crystal on your nightstand. It is said to protect you from negative thoughts and harmful spirits. I like to hold mine anytime I feel negative thoughts or enter a negative situation. I also place mine on my computer for protection.

Work on the things that happen in your waking life that are causing you stress. You may need to say no to a project or verbalize your feelings in a waking situation. Keep a journal and write your thoughts, experiences, and emotions. You can read them and reflect on how to change things. If you do this, your dreams will give you more solutions than nightmares.


The best way to have peace in your sleep is to conquer your suppressed emotions and thoughts during the day. If you don't, your dreams might become nightmares.





Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984) by Melissa Bastek


Nightmares and the Brain by Scott Edwards


A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story

By Sean O'Connell

published October 20, 2014

Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

 Horror History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). History: A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984).

Deedee has been analyzing dreams for herself, family and friends for over 30 years. She has taken classes by J.M. DeBord, author of several books about dreams, including the best-selling "Dream Interpretation Dictionary."

Deedee interprets dreams for those who ask. Email and read her dream interpretations on her blog

A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story .... A Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story .... Nightmare On Elm Street Was Inspired By This Horrific True Story ....



Setting dream intentions during the full moon

  Wow it has been a long time since I have posted! Not sure what happened but I am here now and wanted to share some ideas for Dream Intenti...